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[done] Il Divo
Published 11/01/2009 @ 18:07:57, By veturilo
Dans le film "Il Divo" de T. Servillo, peut-être une Maserati Merak ?

Latest Edition: 22/01/2009 @ 01:27:04
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Il Divo
Published 15/01/2009 @ 05:22:42, By veturilo
C'est 2 étoiles pour cette auto. Dans ce film on peut voir aussi plusieurs Fiat Croma (3 étoiles).
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Il Divo
Published 22/01/2009 @ 01:26:34, By weasel1984
Done! Thanks.
Verturilo it would be better if you would change you nickname on the site (I mean the db.) and have there the same one as here, on this forum. I don't know maybe it is not necessary to create a new account and antp can do this somehow.
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[done] Il Divo
Published 26/01/2009 @ 20:57:06, By garco
If this is done, it should be moved to another part of the forum... :wink:
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[done] Il Divo
Published 08/02/2009 @ 18:41:03, By weasel1984
Ah garco... :tongue: Not necessary "should be", anyway I already have done this in case of some other films, but I left this topic where it was because of this small problem with the veturilo nicknames.
Same with the other film (with blue Bedford) where the star rating was unknown.

Latest Edition: 08/02/2009 @ 18:43:18
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