This is from the first Top Gear special for sport relief that spawned its own short-lived tv series. SO i guess its ep 1.00, since it was a pilot, and the tv series it spwaned had its own first episode.
Too many sierras!
(Creditation to dragonboy)
3 Stars - 4x legend Racers (pretty sure they're all old fords)
1 Star - Ford Transit
3 Stars - Mini Cooper S
2 Stars - Car Pins 2 sets (Can somebody recognize any of them)
The next ones are ALL 2 Stars
Toyota Camry
Ford Sierra
Volvo 240
1986 Audi 80 B3 (Typ 89)
Toyota Hatchback
Vauxhall Omega
Ford Sierra
Ford Cortina
Purple Hatchback
Ford Sierra
Ford Sierra Sapphire (possibly)
Ford Fiesta
Ford Fiesta
Ford Sierra
Possibly Austin Metro
Was unable to identify the majority due to their poor state of shape