Misc » Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
Published 14/12/2008 @ 19:24:19, By Germaneon
I know it has absoluteley nothing to do with cars but currently we have poor weather and thus I made a video of the Bryce Canyon in Utah. We´ve been there in September 2007. The B.C. is one of my favorite National Parks in the U.S.
Lean back and enjoy (you are supposed the choose "high quality" and turn the volume up):
Lean back and enjoy (you are supposed the choose "high quality" and turn the volume up):
Bryce Canyon
Published 14/12/2008 @ 19:37:33, By Neptune
Thanks for the video.
Bryce looks very tranquil, sadly I’ve never been there to see it in person.
I do plan to add it to my future holiday spots. One day I’ll go, whenever that is.
Latest Edition: 14/12/2008 @ 20:01:27

Latest Edition: 14/12/2008 @ 20:01:27
Bryce Canyon
Published 14/12/2008 @ 20:00:07, By Germaneon
No matter how far away you are located, it´s worth to travel there. Especially early in the morning and late afternoon when the sunlight makes the rocks shining bright.
Bryce Canyon
Published 21/12/2008 @ 05:07:42, By 93_Montero
I've been there, it was beautiful. Another one of my favorite places in the west is The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, CO. I had the same thoughts about the lighting in the late afternoon hitting the rocks.
Bryce Canyon
Published 21/12/2008 @ 20:14:56, By Germaneon
Never been there as yet. I´ll be in the States next February but not in CO. Going from NV to AZ to CA.