Subject: I just bought a car!!
16/05/2009 @ 09:26:46: ingo: I just bought a car!!
Don't forget to buy the tools, you need: rkzeug?hash=item270329058447&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=727C667C657C397C2407- C3017C2937C294%3A50 ug?hash=item270391182528&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=727C667C657C397C2407C301- 7C2937C294%3A50

For the badge of the Dodge... :tongue:
16/05/2009 @ 17:11:51: antp: I just bought a car!!
:rofl: you really do not like that badge
17/05/2009 @ 08:29:39: marioman3138: I just bought a car!!
The when its off, you need one of these-
or one of these-