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Flyboys (2006)
Published 29/04/2009 @ 11:41:26, By vilero

You can add your extra pics, as usual, in comments.

Latest Edition: 29/04/2009 @ 11:42:59
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[Done] Flyboys (2006)
Published 30/04/2009 @ 13:21:00, By Jale
On IMCDB You gave 2 of 5 different trucks. Why? :smile:

Latest Edition: 30/04/2009 @ 13:32:23
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[Done] Flyboys (2006)
Published 30/04/2009 @ 13:32:47, By vilero
On IMCDB You gave 2 of 5 different trucks. Why? :smile:

As you said (and now also nzcarnerd) and ingo are 'made for movie'
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[Done] Flyboys (2006)
Published 30/04/2009 @ 14:46:54, By Jale
Then all pictures of Made for movie must be in one index card?

Then why:

Listed separately only because in movie was 3 identical 1982 Ford LTD-S...?

It's only a question. :smile:
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[Done] Flyboys (2006)
Published 30/04/2009 @ 20:22:26, By vilero
I'm very sorry. I thought that 5 trucks made for movie dont improve the page, but if you want them in the site, tell me here and I'll load them.
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