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[Done] Escalade & Porsche 911
Published 26/03/2009 @ 17:22:53, By Germaneon
CSI:Miami S.6, E.20
2007 Cadillac Escalade ***
2005 Porsche 911 (997 Series)***

Latest Edition: 15/05/2009 @ 13:05:15
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Escalade & Porsche 911
Published 26/03/2009 @ 17:24:55, By CarChasesFanatic
Germaneon, it's nice that you want to contribute, but Coopey is doing the sixth season already, so he'll add these cars himself, when someone is doing a TV series it's better to respect it and let that person do it, just so you know.
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Escalade & Porsche 911
Published 26/03/2009 @ 19:57:50, By Germaneon
Um, how do I know if someone´s already doing it?
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Escalade & Porsche 911
Published 26/03/2009 @ 22:40:26, By ford_guy
They usually mention it on the comments for the movie/tv show.

Latest Edition: 26/03/2009 @ 22:40:51
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Escalade & Porsche 911
Published 27/03/2009 @ 08:54:28, By antp
Or you see that lots of pics are already added for the series, and that often new ones are still added
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Escalade & Porsche 911
Published 06/05/2009 @ 19:13:53, By Germaneon
S. 6, E. 21 2009/th_MiamiS6E21.jpg

2008 Cadillac CTS **
I was asked if I could provide further pics. Unfortunately this is the only one I have.

Latest Edition: 06/05/2009 @ 19:14:44
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Escalade & Porsche 911
Published 15/05/2009 @ 13:04:59, By vilero
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