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Cars & Movies » Tao of Steve (2000), Acura Legend - 1991
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Tao of Steve (2000), Acura Legend - 1991
Published 10/06/2009 @ 22:41:00, By telafonic
There were several shots of a '91 or possibly '92 Acura Legend sedan base model with a missing foglight cover as well as wiperblades in the winter position.
The car does a drive by shot with the engine accelerating and the actor driving the car is shown getting in and out of the car.

This sedan is of particular interest because this color is not common with the black door handles and mirrors.

I don't have it on DVD, it was on TV. Do some of you take pictures of the TV?

Here is the link on IMDB;

Latest Edition: 10/06/2009 @ 22:43:00
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