Subject: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
13/08/2009 @ 12:51:19: ingo: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
O.k., today I got them. If anyone is interested, please let me know.

Please soon - it's not nice to have a Cadillac Seville-picture in the house. :tongue:

I let them air for a while, the seller was a smoker...

I cannot find it, but I think to be sure, that I still have such a K 70-card, but in English. So maybe they were offered in different countries?
13/08/2009 @ 14:39:02: CarChasesFanatic: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
Please soon - it's not nice to have a Cadillac Seville-picture in the house. :tongue:

:kaola: I'd love to have that one, but cannot really be bothered to spend money on a smokey card :ddr555:
14/08/2009 @ 10:24:16: ingo: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
No problem, you can have it. Just mail me your address. As I wrote, I'll keep the K 70-card and the others I'll send for free. If you could find sometimes something K 70-related in Spanish, it would be fine. You don't need to buy this then, the tip about it for me would be enough.
14/08/2009 @ 19:42:22: CarChasesFanatic: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
Really Ingo? Well if you jus don't want it and would throw it to the rubbish otherwise then ok for me, as for the "tips", you don't even have to say so, everytime I listen something about K70s I try to tell you, remmeber when I linked you to that Spanish site that told things about it? it turned out that you already knew about it though... If I see any magazine on the street that has something to do with the K70 I'll buy it and then send it to you, it would be faster and would guarantee that you get it.
14/08/2009 @ 20:27:03: ingo: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
Yes, as I've said, I'm only interested in the K 70-pic. I've limited my car-interest very strictly since a few years - to avoid frittering and cluttering up: strictly only K 70. Anything else, I've sold, offered at eBay or given away.
Same I did with my license-plate-collection, strictly limited on one field, everything else "out".

Sure, it's tricky to find something K 70-related in Spain. As we talked about in the forum, it was in the 70ies, when the Spanish car-market was nearly closed for imported cars and the most cars were assembled there.
So only 201 K 70 were exported to Spain (but 404 cars to the Islas Canarias), a ridicoulous little amount, compared with other countries of this size. With other VW's it was similar.

The only Spanish K 70-connection is indeed Edu from Las Palmas. And these guys from Barcelona have one, too, but actually not pimped up (resp.pimped low):
14/08/2009 @ 23:38:40: antp: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
Imagine if Seat was already owned by VW at that time, you would have a Seat-rebadged K70 :grin:
14/08/2009 @ 23:55:28: CarChasesFanatic: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
haha Seat "Ka-Setenta" :grin:
02/09/2009 @ 20:45:33: ingo: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
Ingo, do you remember our deal ?? :wink:

There you go: :wink:

Shall I bid?
02/10/2009 @ 20:23:04: ingo: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
@Raul: annother try? Do you got my mail?
18/10/2009 @ 11:16:30: ingo: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
@Antoine and chicomarx: :hello: Are you going on flea-markets sometimes? If yes, I would be very pleased, you you could hold your eyes open for that:

Sure, sure, I'm only interested for the version with the K 70. Here many others of them were offered, too. Many thanks!

@Raul: yesterday I've been on that market: (quite small, not as big as to be expected by the flyer). There was a guy, who had offered hundreds of car-magazines for only 1 € each, even the old ones from the 60ies and 70ies. I had no time to collect a complete year of the "ams", but I got his address. I'll visit him, when I'm again in my office in Dortmund, because he lives close there. Perhaps he will ask a bit more for a complete Jahrgang in perfect condition, but it will be less than at eBay, where you have to add the postage.

Annother dealer had many of old British "Motor Sport"-magazines, but we haven't found any article about the K 70 in them. One 1973-issue includes pics from the "Rallye du Maroc", but only the Citroem SM and Peugeot 504 were visible. :ohwell:

@to the others over here: is anyone interested in car-magazines, too (most German, but British ones, too, plus many motorbike-magazines)? If yes, let me know. Then I'll can make a block-price for all of them.

One important thing at last: best regards from Animatronixx! We've met us yesterday. :smile: Maybe we've seen each other in the past at other markets or events, but without knowing.
Today he's still there. His hearse-club uses the market for a meeting.
@walter: included the only made Audi 100 Typ 44-hearse. :wink:
18/10/2009 @ 14:58:47: antp: Anyone interested to share an eBay-auction with me? :)
@Antoine and chicomarx: :hello: Are you going on flea-markets sometimes? If yes, I would be very pleased, you you could hold your eyes open for that:

Sure, sure, I'm only interested for the version with the K 70. Here many others of them were offered, too. Many thanks!

I go on markets but usually for scale models. But maybe I can find such things too, as it is for any collectable things, not only scale models.
I'll check.