@Antoine and chicomarx:

Are you going on flea-markets sometimes? If yes, I would be very pleased, you you could hold your eyes open for that:
Sure, sure, I'm only interested for the version with the K 70. Here many others of them were offered, too. Many thanks!
@Raul: yesterday I've been on that market:
http://www.historicar.net/ (quite small, not as big as to be expected by the flyer). There was a guy, who had offered hundreds of car-magazines for only 1 € each, even the old ones from the 60ies and 70ies. I had no time to collect a complete year of the "ams", but I got his address. I'll visit him, when I'm again in my office in Dortmund, because he lives close there. Perhaps he will ask a bit more for a complete Jahrgang in perfect condition, but it will be less than at eBay, where you have to add the postage.
Annother dealer had many of old British "Motor Sport"-magazines, but we haven't found any article about the K 70 in them. One 1973-issue includes pics from the "Rallye du Maroc", but only the Citroem SM and Peugeot 504 were visible.
@to the others over here: is anyone interested in car-magazines, too (most German, but British ones, too, plus many motorbike-magazines)? If yes, let me know. Then I'll can make a block-price for all of them.
One important thing at last: best regards from Animatronixx! We've met us yesterday.

Maybe we've seen each other in the past at other markets or events, but without knowing.
Today he's still there. His hearse-club uses the market for a meeting.
@walter: included the only made Audi 100 Typ 44-hearse.