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Old contributions (archive) » [Done] BMW 850csi [E31] in EAZY E - REAL COMPTON CITY G's, Music Video, 1993
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[Done] BMW 850csi [E31] in EAZY E - REAL COMPTON CITY G's, Music Video, 1993
Published 12/08/2009 @ 05:27:29, By Eric America
BMW 850csi [E31] in EAZY E - REAL COMPTON CITY G's, Music Video, 1993

2 Stars.
File: EAZY E.jpg ( 17.8 KB - 7172 )

Latest Edition: 19/08/2009 @ 12:20:22
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BMW 850csi [E31] in EAZY E - REAL COMPTON CITY G's, Music Video, 1993
Published 12/08/2009 @ 19:07:32, By vilero
Eric, could you get again the pics from this video (and click in HQ). It's in a better quality than yours.

BTW, it shows a pretty Chevy used a lot that you missed out.

Latest Edition: 12/08/2009 @ 19:08:03
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BMW 850csi [E31] in EAZY E - REAL COMPTON CITY G's, Music Video, 1993
Published 16/08/2009 @ 20:43:52, By Eric America
Eric, could you get again the pics from this video (and click in HQ). It's in a better quality than yours.

BTW, it shows a pretty Chevy used a lot that you missed out.

wow youre right, heres the updated pic; much clearer.
File: eazy e 1.jpg ( 29.2 KB - 6087 )
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BMW 850csi [E31] in EAZY E - REAL COMPTON CITY G's, Music Video, 1993
Published 19/08/2009 @ 12:19:51, By vilero

I made again the captures because you missed out three vehicles with roles in the music video. Specially the 1963 Chevrolet that is (nearly) a 4**** car.

BTW your name in IMCDB doesn't is Eric America, Which is it?
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