Old contributions (archive) » [Done] More pictures for The Forsaken (Movie, 2001)
[Done] More pictures for The Forsaken (Movie, 2001)
Published 01/11/2009 @ 05:07:30, By boogieman
Hopefully i'm doing this right.
Here's the IMCDB link: http://www.imcdb.org/movie.php?id=245120
**I might be wrong on some of the cars.**
Here's all the cars I saw in the movie:
Mercedes SL (5 stars)
Chevy tow truck (1 star)
Unknown Tour bus (1 or 2 stars. They reference it, But it's not part of the story, it never drives, and its only on screen for about a minute)
Unknown Semi (kenworth?) (2 stars)
Mercury station wagon (2 stars)
Not sure if this one counts.. It's a 90s toyota Corolla (I think. it was missing its front end and was heavily damaged.) (1 star):
Various pictures of the Ford Bronco (3 stars.)
Wrecking yard (Not sure if any of these cars are useable. 1 star)
Various Freeway shots from the opening (Not sure if they're useable. 1 star.)
Unknown Dune Buggys (2 stars)
Red Honda CRX (1 star)
White 57 Corvette roadster(2 stars)
Chevy Caprice Cop Car (2 stars)
Chevrolet Tanker truck (1 or 2 stars. The truck never moves, But it gets sideswipped by the main character, then one of his pursuers crashes into it)
1969 Dodge Charger (4 stars)
Latest Edition: 03/11/2009 @ 13:40:10
Here's the IMCDB link: http://www.imcdb.org/movie.php?id=245120
**I might be wrong on some of the cars.**
Here's all the cars I saw in the movie:
Mercedes SL (5 stars)

Chevy tow truck (1 star)

Unknown Tour bus (1 or 2 stars. They reference it, But it's not part of the story, it never drives, and its only on screen for about a minute)

Unknown Semi (kenworth?) (2 stars)

Mercury station wagon (2 stars)

Not sure if this one counts.. It's a 90s toyota Corolla (I think. it was missing its front end and was heavily damaged.) (1 star):

Various pictures of the Ford Bronco (3 stars.)

Wrecking yard (Not sure if any of these cars are useable. 1 star)

Various Freeway shots from the opening (Not sure if they're useable. 1 star.)

Unknown Dune Buggys (2 stars)

Red Honda CRX (1 star)

White 57 Corvette roadster(2 stars)

Chevy Caprice Cop Car (2 stars)

Chevrolet Tanker truck (1 or 2 stars. The truck never moves, But it gets sideswipped by the main character, then one of his pursuers crashes into it)

1969 Dodge Charger (4 stars)

Latest Edition: 03/11/2009 @ 13:40:10
More pictures for The Forsaken (Movie, 2001)
Published 01/11/2009 @ 21:01:44, By Ddey65
More pictures for The Forsaken (Movie, 2001)
Published 03/11/2009 @ 13:39:15, By vilero
[Done] More pictures for The Forsaken (Movie, 2001)
Published 03/11/2009 @ 14:29:50, By antp
@Vilero: You mentioned Ddey65 as contributor for this movie (in comments posted too, cf http://www.imcdb.org/vehicle.php?id=255526 & http://www.imcdb.org/vehicle.php?id=255528
but these pics were sent by Boogieman...
but these pics were sent by Boogieman...
[Done] More pictures for The Forsaken (Movie, 2001)
Published 03/11/2009 @ 17:35:18, By vilero
oppps...my GREAT MISTAKE
Now solved (even comments) Thanks
Latest Edition: 03/11/2009 @ 17:41:44
Now solved (even comments) Thanks
Latest Edition: 03/11/2009 @ 17:41:44