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[Done] Six-String Samurai (Movie, 1998)
Published 01/11/2009 @ 01:50:58, By boogieman
Hi everyone. This is my first contribution here, so please correct me if I do anything wrong. :lol:

I included 2 pictures of the two main cars because I wasn't sure which angle was better. Sorry they're a little fuzzy.

Movie: Six-String Samurai
Release year: 1998

Unknown Tow Truck (3 stars)

Unknown Plymouth (3 Stars)

Unknown Old car (1 star)

Unknown Motorcycle (3 Stars)

*** On the 1 star car: I am going with the 4 door 30s/40s car. Their are also 2 vans, a chevy apache pickup, and an 80s corolla in the junk yard, But you can barely see them, So i didn't include them.***

Latest Edition: 03/11/2009 @ 12:46:19
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Six-String Samurai (Movie, 1998)
Published 03/11/2009 @ 12:45:57, By vilero

boogieman is not your user name in IMCDB, which is it?

And next time try to post pictures (from normal DVD) with no more than 720X...
or .....X498. Thanks.

Latest Edition: 03/11/2009 @ 12:46:44
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[Done] Six-String Samurai (Movie, 1998)
Published 03/11/2009 @ 13:04:39, By boogieman
Honestly, I don't know. I tried to sign up for IMCDB, but it said my email address was already in use... So I must have signed up for it long ago and forgot. (I can't find anything to resend my login info to me, or anything like that.).

Sorry about the size, I didn't know what the proper size was, so i left them the way they were from the captures. I will make sure to resize them from now on.
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[Done] Six-String Samurai (Movie, 1998)
Published 03/11/2009 @ 13:06:44, By vilero
Well, write a private mesagge to antp and he'll solve the problem
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[Done] Six-String Samurai (Movie, 1998)
Published 03/11/2009 @ 13:07:25, By boogieman
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