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[Done] Mythbusters
Published 24/10/2009 @ 11:33:43, By marioman3138
Sorry, no pics :sad:

These cars are all from the young scientists special
The Wrightspeed X1 electric car concept- 3 stars
Ferrari F430 (coupe) 2 stars
Formula 3 race car- 2 stars
The KillaCycle electric drag bike three stars
and a dragbike (sorry, forgot who made it) 2 stars


I'll try to get pics later, otherwise antone else can!

Latest Edition: 03/11/2009 @ 10:44:34
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Published 26/10/2009 @ 06:28:29, By marioman3138
I also forgot, there were two cars ysed, one elcetric and one gas (petroel). Both mundane sedans.
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Published 03/11/2009 @ 10:44:13, By vilero
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