07/01/2010 @ 06:45:06: Step Van Fan: problems with unknown vehicles
after checking many unknowns,I have found vehicles that I can Identify.This is NOT me guessing.Many of the unknown Ground Conveyors,Street Sweepers,and Construction vehicles are already listed,Basically most of the unknowns i found are the same but already have a make and model.I will not guess anymore.I know what i'm talking about.I can Identify many Unknowns correctly by providing Photographic evidence.I can identify WITHOUT guessing now.
07/01/2010 @ 15:08:13: antp: problems with unknown vehicles
The problem here is not that we missed the comments but that we do not know if they can be trusted or not
07/01/2010 @ 16:26:36: Step Van Fan: problems with unknown vehicles
You can.
07/01/2010 @ 17:50:43: vilero: problems with unknown vehicles
This section is "Useful info and links for identification"...so this is not the place for this one.
Moved to General
I can't. Antp could you move this one?
07/01/2010 @ 17:59:09: antp: problems with unknown vehicles
Step Van Fan >> How can I trust the fact that you say that I can trust you?
Vilero >> done
07/01/2010 @ 20:45:01: Step Van Fan: problems with unknown vehicles
because.i don't lie to people.
07/01/2010 @ 21:02:27: antp: problems with unknown vehicles
But even if you lie, your statement is still true...
08/01/2010 @ 03:08:57: Step Van Fan: problems with unknown vehicles
my statements arent guesses ANYMORE i swear never to guess ever again.Please trust me.There's so many things on IMCDB that can be fixed,like the "Made for movie"train thing on Batman Returns.If you look closely.All it is, is just a Harlan HTA Airliner Tug Dressed up to look like a train,Witch should be listed as a Harlan HTA "Customized for movie".
12/01/2010 @ 23:30:28: angry user: problems with unknown vehicles
don't worry folks, he's back with a new account now:heinkelgirl-
now he's a girl. why don't you just ban this idiot from the forum too and get it over with or ban his IP range?
13/01/2010 @ 00:04:34: t0nkatracker: problems with unknown vehicles
I wish people had enough guts to actually post as themselves instead of creating a new account just to "stir the pot " so to say, yes I am talking about you "angry user" your IP range should be banned....
13/01/2010 @ 10:37:30: antp: problems with unknown vehicles
until now there is nothing linking that account to him...
15/01/2010 @ 00:57:16: firebird86: problems with unknown vehicles
Vilero is going to love that,