Subject: Unknown Movie from the 90's w/Lime green muscle car
22/02/2011 @ 21:40:56: deilkaas: Unknown Movie from the 90's w/Lime green muscle car
Looking for an unknown movie that i think is from teh 90-95 or so ..
A guy and a women robs a bank, and hits of on the highway in a limegreen muscle car, prolly a Plymouth Road Runner.

And suddenly the woman ditches the guy, throwing him out, and gets away from him. And rest of the movie is a wild chase to get back the money and find the women.

Some fighting in a gas station on the end. It blows up.

Please someone help me!!!!
19/04/2011 @ 13:01:43: aussiemuscle308: Unknown Movie from the 90's w/Lime green muscle car
umm, phase 4?