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[done] Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:04:50, By mike962
Hello , its me again , I am gonna screen this german TV show centered largely around cars , unfortunaly it had a too short run of only 13 episdes

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anywya let's start


"driven" by main characters but only a short while

Latest Edition: 14/11/2011 @ 22:22:10
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:13:29, By mike962
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:19:07, By mike962
VW Passat 3 stars, driven a lot thru the series by some side characters
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:22:52, By mike962
4 stars used by a main character thru the series
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:27:59, By mike962
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:32:01, By mike962

I think same bikes from previous episde 3 stars this time !!

Latest Edition: 14/11/2011 @ 17:47:30
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:37:05, By mike962
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:38:47, By mike962
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:41:39, By mike962
Audi 80 2 stars, driven by a very minor character

car in the background 1 star

Latest Edition: 13/11/2011 @ 20:43:13
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:46:05, By mike962
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:48:27, By mike962
4 stars Mercedes W123 hourst , driven by a main character thru the series
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:49:33, By mike962
4 stars, driven a lot by main character thru the series
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:51:46, By mike962
truck is just a road block so 1 or 2 stars , its a Mercedes
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:53:12, By mike962
front view of truck and interiro of custom VW
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:55:25, By mike962
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 20:57:57, By mike962
1 star looks like a first gen Opel Corsa
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 21:06:03, By mike962

Typical, Alfa Romeo breaks down :smile: gets 3 stars , MErcedes W123 2 stars ,

Latest Edition: 13/11/2011 @ 21:07:13
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 21:09:15, By mike962
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 21:19:28, By mike962
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Und tschüss (1995) TV series 13 episdes
Published 13/11/2011 @ 21:30:40, By mike962
in this episde there are some more vehicles but always clsoeups so I don't bother to post them

2 stars
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