Subject: 500
24/11/2011 @ 20:51:10: owlman: 500
A new IMCDb milestone has been reached... :whistle:
24/11/2011 @ 20:54:58: antp: 500
24/11/2011 @ 20:56:53: vilero: 500
500 x 30 :ohwell:
25/11/2011 @ 00:53:22: rjluna2: 500
There are some already identified by some of the members, but I am thinking that they are not confirmed by any of the administrator :ohwell:
25/11/2011 @ 11:50:59: antp: 500
Quite possible. There are probably a large amount of unknown vehicles that actually simply wait to be renamed.

There is a topic about that on the forum, for those that we missed.
Also sometimes an identification is made by a new member (or by someone who is not known as being reliable) and we wait that a more reliable user or an admin confirms it.
25/11/2011 @ 19:39:10: rjluna2: 500
Looks like it is down to 498 pages now :smile:

I'll try to identify some of unknown vehicles listed at random pages from time to time :smile:
26/11/2011 @ 09:07:00: t0nkatracker: 500

I'll try to identify some of unknown vehicles listed at random pages from time to time :smile:

I do the same thing rjluna2. I regularly pick a page of unidentified vehicles randomly and try to identify them.
29/11/2011 @ 17:48:26: owlman: 500
Antp, have you considered putting a random unknown vehicle thumbnail near the top of every page load? (along with a "Do you know me?" or "Please ID me!" line :smile: )
I thought someone suggested this in the past but I can't find that post now. It could help reduce the number of unknowns.... maybe not :ohwell:
29/11/2011 @ 18:20:42: antp: 500
I could at least do that on the home page...
I could include that near the ad, but it will decrease the size available for recently added movies.
Or I could put that at the bottom of the pages, but who scrolls until there? :grin:
29/11/2011 @ 18:34:52: Gomsel: 500
Hmmm, one trouble it's the lost comments. In these comments, many cars are identified correctly. But with few admins and many comments, are difficult to watch all, IMHO.
30/11/2011 @ 04:41:31: night cub: 500
Yikes, tried looking through some random pages, we need experts in really old cars,all types of buses, and all sorts of odd vehicles.
30/11/2011 @ 12:33:16: Jale: 500
And bikes, most of all bikes. :wink:
30/11/2011 @ 17:39:29: Gomsel: 500
And users for other "non-traditional" countries... i'm the only contribuitor for Argentina, for example.
21/12/2011 @ 07:11:35: badlymad: 500
One thing I have been noticing more of are car interiors from TV shows - those are going to likely remain unknown, so maybe there should be a recommendation to move those to the comments.
21/12/2011 @ 15:01:02: antp: 500
It is difficult to decide what can be listed or not.
Usually I avoid to list the cars when nothing except the dashboard+windscreen is visible, but saying "no car interior" is too strict I think.
For example I listed because a big part was visible (and indeed it was quickly identified)

I agree that unidentifiable interiors/windscreens could be moved to comments.
21/05/2012 @ 16:16:32: rjluna2: 500
Now these unidentified vehicles listed at are creeping up to 560 pages :topicalacon:

I did some random comments to sort of bumping the message :tongue: