Subject: [Done] Nuts in May - Morris Minor
30/05/2012 @ 10:10:06: Daytona: [Done] Nuts in May - Morris Minor
I don't know enough to be able to identify the model, but a convertible Morris Minor 5142BY was integral to the BBC Play for Today, Nuts in May -

The entire play is on YouTube in 6 parts and the Minor is visible from the start, here - plpp_video
02/06/2012 @ 21:21:07: chris40: Nuts in May - Morris Minor
It's an early (1957-62) Morris Minor 1000 Convertible. Rather a nice one.
03/06/2012 @ 14:44:34: Daytona: Nuts in May - Morris Minor
Thanks Chris
11/06/2012 @ 13:56:08: vilero: Nuts in May - Morris Minor
Added to the TV Series 'Play for today' since Nuts in May is episode 12 of season 6.

User is who should capture the pictures. I see this is your first contribution and I've done it for you but, next time, you should do it by yourself.

From other part, I see you are not member of IMCDB since your nick name is black on the TV Series page If you think you are going to be member of IMCDB, please use the same nick as here on the forum, that is, Daytona.