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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 16:56:53, By antp
For a short movie that my brother-in-law is preparing, we need to know if this could look like an appartment door in a New-York building:

Does the big red box for fire hose & extinguisher look too European, or are these some looking like that in US (more specifically New-York ?)
If it does not look acceptable for a US set, we can find a way to hide it (or use angles to avoid it), hence the question.
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 17:51:57, By owlman
Probably fine. I've seen similar boxes in many buildings, though usually with a glass or partial-glass door. If I had to nit-pick, maybe the stickers look a little foreign, normally there will be additional labels like "FIRE HOSE" or "FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSIDE". Someone with more NYC high-rise knowledge could say better :smile:

And of course the electrical outlet is wrong :smile:
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 18:07:43, By antp
What you call an "electrical outlet", you mean on the left of the door, at middle of the height? It is actually the door bell
like but with the cover around the button

Latest Edition: 10/09/2012 @ 18:08:16
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 18:17:27, By owlman
I mean the thing on the right, with the red border... what is that? I guess it does not really look like an outlet (and that would be a bizarre location for one), but it made me think of
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 18:33:07, By chicomarx
normally there will be additional labels like "FIRE HOSE" or "FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSIDE"

You could buy a sticker like that of eBay
Instant US location.
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 19:36:53, By antp
I mean the thing on the right, with the red border... what is that?

The box on which you have to push to run the fire alarm manually, similar to this:
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 20:21:56, By ingo
Sorry, but the doorhandle is wrong, too. American-style doors have always a turning knob (one goof, very often visible in US-movies, set in Europe).
In Europe you will find US-door-knobs only in tourist hotels in Mediterranean countries and the Canary Islands.

And the door is too upmarket, too. American doors are sitting much unexacter in their holders and the gaps are much wider. Especially as on this pic, somewhere in back rooms.
Same for the exactly laid granite-floor. Unusual in the USA, except in upperclass business-buildings.

Sorry US-fellows, if my comment seems to be condescending, but I always have a look for such details. Since the last 20 years, since I'm working in the claim department of an insurance and even more since 2008, since we own our house. Yes, I'm really picky/nitpicking with such details.

Latest Edition: 10/09/2012 @ 20:23:08
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 20:42:47, By owlman

The box on which you have to push to run the fire alarm manually, similar to this:

Ah, I have never seen that style. Here they are usually operated via a pull-down lever, like these:
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 21:12:32, By antp
Sorry, but the doorhandle is wrong, too.

Well that's acceptable detail :grin: The question was more for the very big red box, to be sure that it is not too out of place :wink:
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 21:35:01, By ingo
Pffhhh, if you think so... For me one of the many reasons to switch off a movie, when they appear incorrect.
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 23:27:27, By chicomarx
Indeed, ingo. Did you notice the floor tiles are 30x30cm (or 40x40)! Either way not a US size!!
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Question for US people
Published 10/09/2012 @ 23:37:46, By ingo
Mmhhh, the size of the tiles is not a big criterion. Nowadays the variety is bigger and you don't always get only the sizes, which are just fashionable.
The quality of the laying and the usage of the detail-parts is more important.
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Question for US people
Published 11/09/2012 @ 01:16:25, By night cub
The door looks too much like a business door in an office building. An apartment door would have more than one lock, one on the knob plus a deadbolt. Also a knocker, peephole, and the apartment number, either on the door or on the wall next to the door. As far as the boxes, the fire extinguisher would in a box with a glass door or mounted directly on the wall, per fire codes it must be accessible and visible.
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Question for US people
Published 11/09/2012 @ 04:31:24, By somename
Well it looks too new to be exempt from the ADA which requires 12 inches or 30.5 cm clear adjacent to the door opening on the push side of a door.
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Question for US people
Published 11/09/2012 @ 10:54:51, By antp
The door looks too much like a business door in an office building.

It is actually the door of my apartment :ddr555:
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Question for US people
Published 11/09/2012 @ 12:34:04, By antp
He will most likely make fake stickers and accessories, cf the following picture
File: decor_new_york2.jpg ( 160.1 KB - 929 )

Latest Edition: 11/09/2012 @ 12:34:46
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Question for US people
Published 11/09/2012 @ 12:42:25, By ingo
Nice detailwork, but you have to change the granite floor, too. It's way too posh European style for an American apartment house.

Your problem, that you are living in such wealthy circumstances.
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Question for US people
Published 11/09/2012 @ 13:34:46, By antp
Wealthy? :grin: That's rather common here, it is not a luxury building :tongue:
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