Subject: looking for a EU movie
20/11/2012 @ 00:04:14: effen73: looking for a EU movie
Hello to all!
It's my first post there :smile: I've got a difficult thing to find - the movie that I watched some years ago.
I don't know nothing about the title, but it looked like a mid 80 movie from Europe. It's about a trucker, who travelled with her girlfriend. Then some guys (probably farmers) stopped his truck (maybe beaten him) and fired up with petrol his truck (with girl inside). Then I remember some of VIP guys travelled in a Volvo 740 or 760.
The last thing I know, that the main character was escaping from bad guys on an enduro motobike (it was his memories).

I couldnt find this movie in database for Volvo... I'll be very grateful to You for help.
PS - I could be bad at writing in English - Im sorry for my mistakes.