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Cars & Movies » Need about 10 formula SAE cars for a movie about racing - Mario Kart Style
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Need about 10 formula SAE cars for a movie about racing - Mario Kart Style
Published 22/05/2013 @ 13:06:45, By iviaroko
Hi. We are interested in renting about 10 to 15 cars custom-made if possible, to film a motion picture about a fictitious Kart Racing driven by young people, Mario Kart style.

About 30 to 40% of the movie has cars in it, either they are training or racing on one of the three competitions shown in the story.

It's a Foreign Film called: "El Plan Maestro (The Master Plan)" about to be produced in Mexico

Through dirty tricks and ferocious battles on the track, young racing championships from the GWL (Go-Kart's World League), are the global sensation. A thirteen year old mechanical prodigy, dreams of winning the state championship.
With the help of his best friend Pipe, devises a perfect plan to win the championship, but to do so will, they'll have to bring together a group of young people to become invincible team.
File: EL-PLAN-MAESTRO.jpg ( 171.2 KB - 475 )
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