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American Class A motorhomes in movies
Published 25/12/2013 @ 12:53:03, By Gamer
Does anyone know about some more movies which aren't on the site that star American Class A motorhomes?
(Do not post movies such as Beethovens 3rd, RV, Meet the Fockers, What's eating Gilbert Grape etc. here!)
Generally I will accept any year of an RV between 1970 and 2013, but the (late) 1990s ones are especially important! :wink:
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American Class A motorhomes in movies
Published 10/05/2014 @ 08:31:36, By Gamer
Found another one: 1998's Tourist Trap is not on the site. RV (2006) totally stole the idea for the movie poster!

Latest Edition: 10/05/2014 @ 08:31:51
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