Possibility of donations for removing ads is something that we'll probably add on the next version, we didn't forget your idea
It is difficult to define which members are eligible to not have ads on on automatic basis. Maybe in the next version of the site there could be some "ranking", with ads being removed for the most active/contributing members, as it would be a right reward that those who contribute to the site with quality contents don't have to "pay" via ads.
But as I said, it is not easy to define. Why one has no ads and why another still has them, etc. I see problems coming
I am not annoyed by ads like those here on the site, I use adblock by adding filters manually to remove annoying ads only, I do not use the automatic/predefined lists.
In the case of IMCDb the script to detect the blocked ads is simple and basic because I do not want to absolutely detect the ad-blocking in all case, I just want to make people more aware of a potential problem coming if more and more people block ads using these so easy sytems like AdBlock/ABP (the more well known I think)... What will webmasters do then?
I do not care much if people find how to block the notice that is shown (as I even say in it that they an do it), I just want to "warn" the mass of people who find cool to remove ads and do not realize than many sites rely on ads. A lot of site put too many ads (the more annoying they are the more money they earn), and it is unfair that the other sites also have their ads blocked.
I know that you don't like ads, that's fine with me if you block them, and you contribute to the site contents anyway
If I just wanted to pay for server hosting, it wouldn't be a problem, it is rather cheap.
But the idea with IMCDb if the site can grow and have better ad campaigns, more subject-related, is also try to replace for my brother-in-law and me a part of our regular job, so we can continue to improve the site (the reason why the new version takes so many time is because we do that on a part of our free time).