Cars & Movies » Junked French cars at Universal Studios Hollywood - 1966
Junked French cars at Universal Studios Hollywood - 1966
Published 26/08/2014 @ 12:35:44, By 62imperial
I found this very interesting shot on Tumblr, tagged Universal Studios 1966:
In the back is a long row of abandoned/junked French cars and trucks, mostly Renaults and Citroens. I wonder what Universal production used so many of them?
Latest Edition: 26/08/2014 @ 12:37:15
In the back is a long row of abandoned/junked French cars and trucks, mostly Renaults and Citroens. I wonder what Universal production used so many of them?
Latest Edition: 26/08/2014 @ 12:37:15
Junked French cars at Universal Studios Hollywood - 1966
Published 26/08/2014 @ 13:31:02, By antp
Indeed, it is puzzling ...
Junked French cars at Universal Studios Hollywood - 1966
Published 31/08/2014 @ 17:30:42, By Aolju
Maybe we should search for Universal movies from that time that were set in France but filmed in the U.S., as those cars could be used in the background... I can't think of any particular film now, but could be.
Junked French cars at Universal Studios Hollywood - 1966
Published 01/09/2014 @ 10:22:17, By antp
On a French forum where I posted the pic, they say that there is a mix between scale models and full size cars, indeed some seem rather small compared to others (e.g. the Type H on the right)
Junked French cars at Universal Studios Hollywood - 1966
Published 01/09/2014 @ 20:02:48, By Aolju
Wow... I looked more carefully at the picture and you're right... They were probably part of a model, maybe for some dangerous or expensive scene they couldn't do at full scale (like the bridge scene from the first Superman movie, which was done with models).