Subject: Robur's Terror
14/09/2014 @ 19:03:57: eLMeR: Robur's Terror
I didn't know where to put the link to this website, so please do move this thread if necessary, dear admins.

This site is about all that runs, flies, floats, dives, takes off, most (but not all) of them with motors...

The "Transportation Index" shows (the number of articles are indicated in brackets):
Airlines (24)
Airplanes (88)
Automobiles (49)
Buses (12)
Helicopters (13)
Monorail (6)
Railroads (78)
Shipping (29)
Streetcars (13)
Trains (116)
Trucks (11)
XYZ Transport (12)

For people who never read Jules Vernes' "Master of the World", Robur's Terror vehicle (Épouvante, in French) was a (fast) car/plane/motorboat/submarine :wink:'Master_of_the_World'_by_George_Roux_21.jpg/200px-'Master_of_the_World'_by_George_Roux_21.jpg