Subject: Please, help to identify a car.
18/09/2015 @ 12:08:33: Exiv96: Please, help to identify a car.
DeSoto was a standalone brand, so it can't be a "Chrysler DeSoto". Back in 1946-48, DeSotos were either Custom or Deluxe, depending on the trim level.

The CGI renderings in those DeAgostini leaflets show a Custom badge, but they don't always reflect the reality. Most of the time, they only reflect the details of the DeAgostini model car that comes with the leaflet.
18/09/2015 @ 14:46:41: ElSaxo: Please, help to identify a car.
Yes, looks like a 1989-1991 one to me. we have a similar commercial here too
( and if you think this commercial is idiotic you should see 500X's blue pill one :grin: )

I've already seen it, sadly was used also in Italy...

Thanky you.
18/09/2015 @ 15:06:36: Gamer: Please, help to identify a car.
I HATE the blue pill 500X ad, but the one ElSaxo linked is worse...

The stupidest German car commercial I can think of is this:

A kid in tennis gear, about my age, is sitting with his evenly tennis-dressed dad in a disguised Maserati Spyder, when a guy in a Dacia Lodgy pulls up and calls out the names of his soccer team's members, who all pile up into the Lodgy.

It makes the Lodgy look like an infinitely better car, which it of course isn't.

Here's the commercial, starring German-Turkish soccer great Mehmet Scholl:
18/09/2015 @ 18:59:32: _ZLAT_: Please, help to identify a car.
DeSoto was a standalone brand, so it can't be a "Chrysler DeSoto". Back in 1946-48, DeSotos were either Custom or Deluxe, depending on the trim level.

The CGI renderings in those DeAgostini leaflets show a Custom badge, but they don't always reflect the reality. Most of the time, they only reflect the details of the DeAgostini model car that comes with the leaflet.

Thank's for info :dawa:
19/09/2015 @ 00:11:06: dsl: Please, help to identify a car.
... who all pile up into the Lodgy.

After the first kid got into the Maserati, it was full. So what else could the other kids do??
19/09/2015 @ 09:08:57: Gamer: Please, help to identify a car.
I meant that anything but space-wise, it made the Maserati look inferior.
21/09/2015 @ 17:33:14: ingo: Please, help to identify a car.
Spotted a few minutes ago in my village. I cannot identify the brand-logo.

Can anyone identify the coachbuilder? It was found by a plate-fellow on Iceland:
21/09/2015 @ 17:56:32: Sandie: Please, help to identify a car.
First one is a Piaggio Porter. Not sure when that front end started.
22/09/2015 @ 16:30:14: Gamer: Please, help to identify a car.
I've uploaded this Mini to IGCD...can someone like dsl narrow down the year further?
22/09/2015 @ 19:20:13: dsl: Please, help to identify a car.
I'd go for 1984 Mini Mayfair as described - chrome bumpers, tints, headrests. Does not have 85+ side indicators. Or wheels. But has wheel arch extensions which suggests 12" wheels as introduced in 84. Photo too small/fuzzy to be sure but I think grille is what I call the old Morris format, so - apart from stray Austin grille badge and the wing indicators - compare with this photo of 86 Mayfair.
11/10/2015 @ 19:54:17: Baube: Please, help to identify a car.

Saw those tailights on a Mercedes Sprinter at the end of august.. 1st time i see them and did not saw since... are those EU-spec only or available as an ( apparently unpopular..) option here ?
11/10/2015 @ 20:24:12: ingo: Please, help to identify a car.
For cars there is a wide range of any kind of different aftersales market "styling"-taillights (clear lenses, darker, coloured and so on), so for Van obviously, too.
11/10/2015 @ 20:44:10: Baube: Please, help to identify a car.
Yeah, they are probably aftermarket or bought on e-bay or something.... just got curious about it... thanks
11/10/2015 @ 23:06:27: eLMeR: Please, help to identify a car.
I think they're 2003+, i.e. after the T1N had its second facelift (the body-color frame grille) in autumn 2002. But maybe weren't they put on all vans?
13/10/2015 @ 07:16:02: Baube: Please, help to identify a car.
Before this one, the only tailights i ever saw were either

Of course, it could be that it wasn't put on all vans but the Sprinter got here in 2004, a little strange that i saw only one with those tailights in 11 years.

Or it is the 1st Mercedes Sprinter of that generation that i ever saw, all the others being Dodge or Freightliner ( but i'm almost sure its not the case )
06/11/2015 @ 06:48:25: Reg1992: Please, help to identify a car.
Some photos taken around New York (not by me) and there are quite a few abandoned/derelict cars in these pics, some of them seemingly unidentifiable. But since a lot of you guys are incredibly skilled at identifying even severely gutted/burned cars, maybe you can help me out here.

A couple taken in the 1970s.

Most of the following were taken in 1989 and 1992 (before being demolished & redeveloped shortly thereafter), according to the source.

^ possibly a late 70s/early 80s Datsun? Idk.

Here's a few that aren't abandoned, but I'd like to identify anyway:
06/11/2015 @ 07:13:25: Baube: Please, help to identify a car.
Don't know them all but willing to give a try on the ones i know

1st pic looks early 1970's Chevy Camaro
5th looks like a Buick or Oldsmobile
6th looks like a Oldsmobile 98 ( or Ninety-Eight, i always forget when we have to write in numbers or letters )
8th Chrysler LeBaron ?
9th Chrysler LeBaron GTS
12th 1984-1985 Ford Tempo
13th Toyota or Datsun ?
14th looks like Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme

Of course, i could be wrong on some ( except for the Tempo and the LeBaron GTS )but was trying with no other help but my old brain and fading memory about cars i did not saw for a long time :smile:
06/11/2015 @ 12:28:40: eLMeR: Please, help to identify a car.
The American myth of the wealthiest country in the world takes quite a blow, with most of these pictures :smile:

First impressions about some pictures (which need of course confirmation by people more familiar with these cars):

Weird landscape. Taken from a post-apocalyptic movie? :grin:
1970-73 Chevrolet Camaro RS / Rally Sport, as (almost) already said by Baube. Clues I see here are the bumperettes on each side of the grille and park lights beside the headlights.
But if the picture was shot in the 1970s, how can a car rust that much in such a short time? I know that cars from the late '70s / early '80s were said to be sold "with rust as standard option", but I never heard that from cars of the early '70s. Or maybe is it "just" a burnt car?
This said, polluted atmosphere in the big cities is not "steel friendly": I remember seeing some parts of my motorbike starting to rust 2 or 3 weeks after my arrival in Paris, in the early 1990s...

My first idea was a Mopar car from the mid-'60s, as I focused on the "Landau" roof which I often associate to Chrysler's production. But it's a Dearborn car, a 1966 Ford Thunderbird Town Landau :smile:

1978-82 Toyota Tercel 2-door sedan (de)?

As said by Baube, something like a 1979-85 "Elrivado". Clearly not an Eldorado, due to the taillamps. I would say a Toronado rather than a Riviera. With the 1984+ Caliente trim (see the "opera window" frame)?

No better offer than Baube's one, i.e. a 1984-87 Tempo with the 1984-85 taillamps :grin:

1975-84 Toyota Corolla 2-door sedan?

1978-88 GM A/G platform for sure. But Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, Pontiac Bonneville or Buick Regal / Century? Whitewall tires and chrome trim could indeed more likely "betray" an Oldsmobile...
06/11/2015 @ 12:38:38: Baube: Please, help to identify a car.
For the Tempo, i have no merit, one of my friend's dad had a partly working 1985 blue one..
the blue one with the open hood makes me think of a late 70's Corolla too but i was sure ( for an unknown reason ) that somebody would tell me Datsun ( probably because i forgot most of what they look like.. :halalala: )
06/11/2015 @ 15:24:14: Exiv96: Please, help to identify a car.
The car in the tenth photo may be a Mitsubishi Cordia.
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