Subject: Alpine A110
24/12/2014 @ 20:12:45: eLMeR: Alpine A110
I'm not sure that it will really help for identification, but it gives an idea of the history of the car: offers a 36-page file (in French and in English) about the Alpine A110.
To download it,
• go to the main page of the site and search for the link "Télécharger le Cahier passion : Alpine Renault A110" at the bottom right of the page
• or visit the cahiers-passion page to see all the proposed files (Renault 4, Renault Espace, Renault Colorale...)
• or just click here (pdf; 3.5 Mb) :wink:

Bonnes fêtes à tou(te)s / merry end of the year to all.
(Image "borrowed" from the Brokenpenwriter's Blog)