Subject: Merry Christmas
25/12/2017 @ 20:29:48: shlc647: Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone!
27/12/2017 @ 00:24:25: eLMeR: Merry Christmas
(recycling old threads? :D)

Just following the forum rules: 1 thread by make (and event) :wink:
27/12/2017 @ 10:17:55: antp: Merry Christmas
:lol: indeed, not a bad idea
27/12/2017 @ 17:46:40: johnfromstaffs: Merry Christmas
Happy New Year to you all.

I have been through much, but am hoping to return, slowly, to normality.
27/12/2017 @ 19:33:43: night cub: Merry Christmas
You too John! We're happy to hear from you!
28/12/2017 @ 14:05:20: rjluna2: Merry Christmas
Nice to hear from you, John :smile:

Happy New Year to you all :bebe_boite:
29/12/2017 @ 02:12:24: dsl: Merry Christmas
Just noticed we've escaped the usual snow effect on the main site. Somehow I'm slightly pleased that we're not doing what everyone else has done to death this year.
29/12/2017 @ 12:41:56: antp: Merry Christmas
:grin: I think that I already skipped it the last two winters
30/12/2017 @ 18:46:18: 3loader: Merry Christmas
I didnt notice that since theres no snow in the streets either this time.
31/12/2017 @ 03:13:24: Baube: Merry Christmas
i wish Mother Nature did skipped throwing snow at us... :grin:
31/12/2017 @ 13:10:52: ingo: Merry Christmas
Here in Western Germany we don't have winter at all, plus 15 degrees, rain and storm.

Much rain in the last day, so the ground is very muddy - to muddy for checking a dunghill on a farm in our village, which tarpaulin is covered with a plenty of 1970ies tires and wheels.
Of course I've recognized the K 70-wheel on it :birthday:
also a rims of a late Simca 1501, but this morning, when I walked with the dog along there, I got wet feet, when I tried to check the classic alloy-wheel.
When the ground became more dry, I will look again. I think, it's a 13" ATS-alloy.

A Happy 2018 to you all!
24/12/2018 @ 11:50:38: ingo: Merry Christmas
Warning, this subjet is old (357 days without answer)
24/12/2018 @ 16:20:40: antp: Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
25/12/2018 @ 19:49:34: night cub: Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you too!
25/12/2018 @ 22:52:44: Sandie: Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone!
26/12/2018 @ 01:06:13: JB007: Merry Christmas
!!! Merry Christmas to all !!!
26/12/2018 @ 08:04:03: Reg1992: Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you all as well. :smile:
01/01/2024 @ 15:42:21: JB007: Merry Christmas
Salut à tous !
Je vous souhaite une bonne année, ainsi qu'à tous vos proches, un maximum de réussite dans vos projets et surtout une très bonne santé !!! :smile:

Hi everyone!
I wish you a happy new year, and to all your loved ones, a maximum of success in your projects and above all a very good health!! :smile:
02/01/2024 @ 10:37:28: antp: Merry Christmas
That's eco-friendly to recycle old threads I suppose :grin:
Happy new year too :smile: