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Amazed user
Published 04/11/2014 @ 11:52:25, By Sam67
I come here to identify vehicles in movies. That's true. :boidleau:
I'm amazed because each time I search for a title, and I am a tv addict, its vehicle content is on IMCDb and with great accuracy.
Are the active user here some kind of pundit in the automobile industry ?
I would have never guessed Terminator could drive a Winnebago not to mention Michael Myers at the steering Wheel of an Econoline and so on ...
Anyway keep on the identification and mainly keep this free ! :banzai:
Here are a few models from the animation cartoon Scooby Doo and the reluctant werewolves to add in your db. werewolves_page_18_by_lonewarrior20-d68xebs.jpg
File: id.jpg ( 179.1 KB - 1031 )
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