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[N/A] Any more cars in the spongebob movie sponge out of water
Published 18/02/2015 @ 09:04:52, By jrtia
I watched the movie in putlocker and I spotted some cars:
2014 Fiat 500
2011 Mini Cooper
Unknown black sports car possibly a Cadillac xlr
Unknown red SUV possibly a Hyundai Santa Fe or Tucson.

There is the image of the red SUV. Just identify it. The image is blurred.
File: image.jpg ( 72.6 KB - 596 )

Latest Edition: 23/02/2015 @ 02:40:54
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Any more cars in the spongebob movie sponge out of water
Published 18/02/2015 @ 09:05:45, By jrtia
Also saw a white Chevrolet express.
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