Impressions from my visit at the yesterday.
After some hours I became lazy with making photos, because I was really groggy - caused by the unexpected great success
I could grab several NOS-K 70-parts, several plates for my collection and a few other things, also things for other people, even IMCDb-ists
I was very happy, that I could take again the perfect equipment with me:
On the way to Mannheim I've passed this burning Bus:,busbrand-idstein-104.html
"Sold. At home I have annother Mochet"
3100 €:
Although nearly extinct, 1650€ seems to be a lot -too much- money for this Escort. The wheel arches are probably not the only filler-artwork:
Unsure, if the grille is the only hack job-part here:
"price on request"
67.000 €:
At the time, since the South American currencies lost a lot of value, it seems to be lucrative to import vehicles from there:
2222 €:
Funny, that this car could find a buyer in the deepest enemy-country (NSU and Fiat Deutschland)
@cl82: does the dealer still exist?
This was just for decoration:
-uh, no, it wasn't!

Now I see the cardboard with the comment "sold" inside
It's so typical -and typical annoying-

If you on any car-event, everywhere, everytimes, open the bonnet, immediately a bunch of blokes will come and goggle inside
No matter if a muscle car or just a profane Passat...
One of the fat gentlemen become very impolite and said a nasty word to me
When I took the pics of this dsl-car, he joked and jumped around and inside the camera-view - but I told him: "Hey ya, ugly blokes as you are disturbing the nice impression of this wonderful piece in automotive history!"

Haha, someone tried to create a Wehrmacht-truck with a Ford FK 1000:
this plate looks like an uthentic German pre-war-plate:
Now impressions of vehicles, which were not for sale:
I think, this version was never officially sold in Germany:
"Scholz Brüderchen" ("litte baby-brother") was made in Norway, by Wideroe`s Flyveselskap A/S Fornebu Oslo.
The Danish owner sold, as last year, too, a bunch of NOS K 70-parts for a fair price to me