Now the masses of yesterday Bockhorn-impressions. I try to place comments to them, but due the amount it's maybe not every time possible.
I made the pics just for you, for showing, what you have missed. I would have been much more relaxing for me, if I would have done, what these two gentlemen did:
Bockhorn is so fascinating due the nice, friendly and freaky people there, but also for sceneries like this:
As Bockhorn is located not far away from Bremen, there are always a lot of Borgward-cars, Lloyd, Hansa, etc. There are still a lot of "local patriots" as the say in German, fans for this brand.
Actually I don't any any other event except Borgward-meeting, where you can spot that many vehicles of this brand.
I took photos of the rare models, not of the plenty of Isabellas.
two on one pic!
Extreme positions from the 1950ies West Germany:
A regular visitor every year. The owner is -fortunately- very picky with the old registration and the old plate:
Yes, there appear dream cars, too:
Exceptionally not converted to a Camper - still original in every detail, even about the interior and the medical material.
selfmade conversion:
two on one pic:
small and big on one pic I:
small and big on one pic II:
An extremely pickily restored original 1946-car, well known in the VW-fanscene since years:
Completely selfmade with an motorbike-engine. I've talked with the owner -and maker- last year:
In Bockhorn not many DDR- or other COMECON-made cars appears. But this usual. About the classic car hobby Germany is still divided, even after 25 years. For seeing Eastern Block-vehicles, you have to visit events in the former DDR.
Sovietish cast iron besides US-American cast iron:
British cast iron:
Swedish cast iron:
West German cast iron:
British ...err... cast plastic:
More British plastic:
West German plastic:
French plastic with a non over-sophisticated interior:
DDR-plastic and US-plastic side by side - in Bockhorn you can see that, where else?
More plastic:
A plenty of plastic on the car:
and more masses of impressions:
Ca.15 years ago the owner of this Glas 1700 TS and me made -of course on the way to Bockhorn- an Autobahn-race - I won.
Due 5 hp more. And due a slightly better aerodynamic.
More Glas:
and others:
A special edition, correct?
The USA-unique 1976 912E, only a bot more than 2.000 cars made, my brother-in-law had one, too:
Original trim of the "Feldjäger", the West German Military Police:
Original trim of the West German disaster management:
"Nordwestdeutsche Fahrzeugbau GmbH"
extreme rare!
Pure 80ies:
Sticker: "Connaisseurs drive Datsun"
I couldn't see, what it was:
My question:
"Better than the boring TV-programme?"
Of course Mr.Felix Wankel has participated, too:
Umm... well... at such a big event it's not avoidable, that some Rootes-crap creeps in it...
The former fire truck behind is fro a natural healer. The slogan says "Fit by bloodsucker-therapy!"
For every Passat- and Audi 80-driver a well known problem already in the 70ies: bursting dashboards:
Made by Westfalia:
A special edition or boy racer style?
Bockhorn-tradition: the Heinkel-only-parking in front of the tent:
Strange, this Aston Martin-driver parked his car in the most hidden area of the ground, that noone could notice it:
The typical Bockhorn-traffic - not only on the ground, also in the villages around. Usually there is even a classic car queue on the Autobahn A29 a few km away
Something really outstanding! Is there anyone, who ever saw two of these one one pic?
but it became more outstanding! On the other parking there was number three!!!