Subject: The movie "Scar Tissue"
13/03/2016 @ 22:29:02: may0925: The movie "Scar Tissue"
Hello all, first time posting, please be gentle!!

I'm interested in trying to identify a car in the movie "Scar Tissue" from 2013.

Early in the film there's a small Studebaker looking car outside a diner. I'm suspecting British origin because I think the movie was filmed there.

Thanx in advance!

13/03/2016 @ 22:35:28: Sandie: The movie "Scar Tissue"
Do you have a screenshot? Not surre if the people here will have the film so it would help. From your brief decription I'm thinking of something Rootes like a Hillman Minx or Sunbeam Rapier as they look a bit like a Studebaker Lark or Hawk if you squint.