23/11/2023 @ 14:50:41: rjluna2: Site/Ad Issues
I'm afraid that what night cub described at his grab has already spread to my browser
I had this issue in the past, now popped up lately
23/11/2023 @ 15:11:14: antp: Site/Ad Issues
Have you tried to remove IMCDb cookies & clear cache, to be sure? As they say they have blocked some things recently
24/11/2023 @ 15:33:32: rjluna2: Site/Ad Issues
I'm not worried about that, now
29/11/2023 @ 04:37:26: night cub: Site/Ad Issues
Have you tried to remove IMCDb cookies & clear cache, to be sure? As they say they have blocked some things recently
I'll let you know if this works. I just cleared everything now. What a pain. Now I have to sign in to everything again.
29/11/2023 @ 06:47:44: antp: Site/Ad Issues
What do you mean "everything"? For cookies you had to clean those related to imcdb only, no need to clear
all the cookies
30/11/2023 @ 00:57:47: night cub: Site/Ad Issues
Using Chrome, I don't see an option to delete particular cookies, just all. And clearing just the cache had no effect, so I just bit the bullet and did them all.
30/11/2023 @ 18:33:57: night cub: Site/Ad Issues
Just happened again, this time with Best Buy. So I guess the clearing the cache trick did not work. Notice there is nothing in the space where an ad should be.
30/11/2023 @ 20:42:44: antp: Site/Ad Issues
I wonder if the problem is really in the ad itself, or if there is something weird in your browser... Do you have some special plugins/addons installed?
30/11/2023 @ 20:56:53: night cub: Site/Ad Issues
Just Adblock Plus
30/11/2023 @ 21:04:40: dsl: Site/Ad Issues
No idea if relevant as I haven't had these problems, but Adblock Plus on 2 laptops (both using Opera) has been updating with new versions fairly often in the last 2-3 weeks. One message said that it was in a to-and-fro battle to thwart youtube's recent policy of stone-walling adblockers. I'm applauding their efforts, but they don't seem to have succeeded yet.
01/12/2023 @ 19:25:42: antp: Site/Ad Issues
Maybe it is blocking part of the ad, which is causing the issue? If you try disable it completely does it change something?
01/12/2023 @ 19:36:29: night cub: Site/Ad Issues
I had one ad that was really stubborn this morning, it would not go away and would not allow me to click on anything else on the page. So even before I saw your message above, I disabled the AdBlock to make that particular ad disappear, then I turned it back on, and so far the ads are staying where they are supposed to. I'll let you know if it happens again.
01/12/2023 @ 20:47:50: night cub: Site/Ad Issues
Dammit, just happened again. It's a Discover Card ad on the All Comments page, that takes over and won't go away, even with refreshing. It only disappears with a hard refresh.
It is ads like this which is why I use the Ad Block to begin with. I don't mind ads as long as they stay in the assigned box but these take over the entire page.
I just reported it to AdBlock. We'll see what they respond.
02/12/2023 @ 08:57:08: antp: Site/Ad Issues
That's maybe a good strategy of Adblock: make ads more annoying to justify uysing Adblock
12/12/2023 @ 14:04:29: rjluna2: Site/Ad Issues
Here I was able to dissect the code:
<img src="https://cdn.airtory.com/assets/300x100.png" style="position: absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index: -1; width:300px; height:50px;">
<img src="https://studio.airtory.com/track/event_counter/a535a7a15970416f2f6440970a6- a42fa/placement/a79b0658f54bd604d8d29cc921ec5162/psunitview?referral=https%3A%2F- %2Fimcdb.org%2Fyourcomments.php26page%3D1&dspPlacement=20617403000&cachebuster=1- 702385575378" style="position:absolute;display:none;">
<script src="https://cdn.doubleverify.com/dvtp_src.js#ctx=29741706&cmp=30669131&sid=8383- 907&plc=377368512&adsrv=1&btreg=&btadsrv=&crt=&tagtype=&dvtagver=6.1.src"></scri- pt>
<script src="https://z.moatads.com/padsquaddisplay869612188659/moatad.js#moatClientLevel- 1=Discover Financial Services&moatClientLevel2=Neo@Ogilvy-CHI - Discover Financial Services - Q4'23 Card Match Campaign (10/9/2023 - 12/31/2023)&moatClientLevel3=29264&moatClientLevel4=7511&zMoatFORMAT=SuperScape- "></script>
<script src="https://secure.quantserve.com/quant.js"></script>
19/12/2023 @ 00:09:28: chicomarx: Site/Ad Issues
I keep getting logged out, antp.
On the log-in page there's a warning: "You are using the non-secure (HTTP) version of the site. To connect with a username and password, it is strongly recommended to browse with the secure connection (HTTPS).
so I add https in the address and use auto-login
but that's only good for one session.
19/12/2023 @ 02:13:46: Baube: Site/Ad Issues
i did experienced this issue too . I'm getting around by using an older link from my browser's history
19/12/2023 @ 07:09:02: antp: Site/Ad Issues
If you log on the https version, you are logged only on that version. If you follow a plain http link from outside (e.g. forum) you arrive non logged on the site.
If you want to be always logged on, you can log in on the plain http version, but do that only on a safe network.
19/12/2023 @ 17:23:58: chicomarx: Site/Ad Issues
Right, my old bookmark was http. I just changed that. Thanks Antoine.
12/01/2024 @ 18:47:05: walter.: Site/Ad Issues
The site is quite slow tonight, I can't even edit anything without taking ages.