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Useful info and links for identification » Kawasaki Police Bikes (USA)
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Kawasaki Police Bikes (USA)
Published 13/02/2018 @ 00:32:38, By the sad biker

I'm gradually working my way through the listings for Kawasaki Police bikes (KZ 1000 P etc) to try and differentiate between models.

I'm trying to use factory designation where possible and have identified 6 model variations for 1000cc bikes (Z1-P and KZ 900 are another chore to come).

Spoke wheels, windscreen & regular mudguard = KZ 1000 Police (A1 & A2 for brake caliper position)

Mag wheels, windscreen & valenced mudguard = KZ 1000 C1/C2/C3 Police (C1 has different side panels to C2/3)

Mag wheels, fairing with mirrors on fairing = 1981 KZ 1000 C4 Police

Mag wheels, fairing with mirrors on handlebars = KZ 1000 P (P1, P2 etc is probably a step too far)

Please bear with me, there are a few hundred.
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