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Royal Cars
Published 18/07/2018 @ 10:59:12, By george58
What cars (and models) would King George V have used for official visits in the 20s? And which mascot would be on the bonnet?

Latest Edition: 18/07/2018 @ 13:26:40
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Royal Cars
Published 18/07/2018 @ 12:03:45, By dsl
Big upright Daimlers of various types, usually Limousines or Landaulettes coachbuilt by Hooper - George ordered 8 between 1909-24. , , , , _George_V_Sandringham_/StockDetail.aspx and n_Mary_/StockDetail.aspx .

Mascots varied - the royals often put their own on whichever car they were travelling in, and sometimes switched them around. So KG often had Britannia on a globe, Queen Mary Britannia holding a crown. (Elizabeth today uses personal mascots of St. George slaying the dragon or a single standing lion on her Bentley)
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Royal Cars
Published 30/07/2018 @ 03:43:54, By topazbrad
Interesting choice. Duesenberg model J is the first thing that came to my mind.
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