Hello everyone!
I like to contribute some Arabic car tags that can show you some specific car makes and models in search-engines (like Google, Yahoo...), here are some:
جمس صحن : GM pick up trucks 1990's, precisely GMC, region: Arab gulf
شفر صحن : GM pick up trucks, region: Arab gulf
جمس لوري: GM medium duty 1973-88, region: Arab gulf
شفر لوري: GM medium duty 1973-88, region: Arab gulf
ددسن وانيت: Nissan pick-up trucks, region: Arab gulf
مرسيدس تمساحة: Mercedes-Benz W126, region: Arab gulf
مرسيدس شبح: Mercedes-Benz W140, region: Arab gulf
هايلكس غمارة: Hilux single cab, region: Arab gulf
هايلكس غمارتين: Hilux double cab, region: Arab gulf
غمارة: Pick-up single cab, region: Arab gulf
غمارتين: Pick-up double cab, region: Arab gulf
سيارات تشليح: Cars for parts, region: Arab gulf
شفر باص: Chevrolet school bus, region: Arab gulf
There are many, I will try to add more later...
Most if not all of these tags are related to the region of Middle East.
And I like to see other members contributions to this subject.