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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 01/03/2019 @ 15:22:31, By Raji
Hello everyone!

I like to contribute some Arabic car tags that can show you some specific car makes and models in search-engines (like Google, Yahoo...), here are some:
جمس صحن : GM pick up trucks 1990's, precisely GMC, region: Arab gulf
شفر صحن : GM pick up trucks, region: Arab gulf
جمس لوري: GM medium duty 1973-88, region: Arab gulf
شفر لوري: GM medium duty 1973-88, region: Arab gulf
ددسن وانيت: Nissan pick-up trucks, region: Arab gulf
مرسيدس تمساحة: Mercedes-Benz W126, region: Arab gulf
مرسيدس شبح: Mercedes-Benz W140, region: Arab gulf
هايلكس غمارة: Hilux single cab, region: Arab gulf
هايلكس غمارتين: Hilux double cab, region: Arab gulf
غمارة: Pick-up single cab, region: Arab gulf
غمارتين: Pick-up double cab, region: Arab gulf
سيارات تشليح: Cars for parts, region: Arab gulf
شفر باص: Chevrolet school bus, region: Arab gulf

There are many, I will try to add more later...
Most if not all of these tags are related to the region of Middle East.

And I like to see other members contributions to this subject.

Latest Edition: 01/03/2019 @ 15:32:23
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Car tags that are limited to specific languages
Published 01/03/2019 @ 15:28:36, By Raji
شفر غمارة: Chevrolet single cab, region: Arab gulf
شفر نصف نقل أمريكاني: American Chevrolet pick-up, region: Egypt (but doesn't gets you accurate results)

Latest Edition: 01/03/2019 @ 15:35:08
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 01/03/2019 @ 15:37:38, By Raji
شفر تسعاوي: Chevrolet Caprice 1977-90
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 01/03/2019 @ 15:40:41, By Raji
نصف نقل: Shows you pictures of pick-up trucks in Egypt
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 01/03/2019 @ 22:28:17, By rjluna2
That's interesting, Raji :smile:

I'm also interested if they ever made period brochure for the Arabian language there :think:
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 02/03/2019 @ 11:52:35, By Raji
Thank you rjluna2!
I'm not sure about brochures I've seen only ads and only on the internet, like this one for example, Berliet trucks for middle east:


Latest Edition: 02/03/2019 @ 11:54:19
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 02/03/2019 @ 16:44:31, By ingo
Hi Raji,

that's a nice idea!

Generally the data situation about motorisation in Arab countries is unknown outside that area.
I even don't know, if there were ever any motor magazines in Arab language :confused:

If you may found out more about 1970ies magazines and advertises, I would be very happy to know that :smile:
Actually I've never seen any piece of writing about the K 70 in Arab language.
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 02/03/2019 @ 19:36:26, By Raji
Hello ingo, thank you!
It is sure there was motor magazines in the Arab world, but honestly I don't know much about them.
About the 1970's ads I think you can find some here, using this tag دعايات سيارات قديمة: A%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA+%D9%82%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%85%D8%A9&newwindow=1&source=lnms- &tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNpvmdjOTgAhUO2xoKHR_IAgEQ_AUIDigB&biw=1024&bih=576

Happily I found something related to the Volkswagen K70 from Saudi Retro Cars:
File: tumblr_nq1vozhLvJ1swkd5eo1_640.jpg ( 118.8 KB - 904 )

Latest Edition: 02/03/2019 @ 19:37:29
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 02/03/2019 @ 20:06:46, By ingo
Wow, that's a marvellous page! You should more of this great pics put into IMCDb!

And even for dsl there is something :grin:
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 02/03/2019 @ 22:07:47, By ingo
And a plenty of RR-stuff for AnimatronixX and johnfromstaffs, for example
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 03/03/2019 @ 17:41:46, By Raji
Great! enjoy IMCDBERS!
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 03/03/2019 @ 19:01:51, By Baube
don't know if its the rarry of the car but .. i like that Bentley wagon .. kind of... still looks better than that ...
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 04/03/2019 @ 11:24:50, By ingo
don't know if its the rarry of the car but .. i like that Bentley wagon .. kind of... still looks better than that ...

this RR Wagon didn't look bad either:

and with 15.000 € it wasn't really expensive.
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 04/03/2019 @ 14:13:30, By rjluna2
Thank you rjluna2!
I'm not sure about brochures I've seen only ads and only on the internet, like this one for example, Berliet trucks for middle east:

Thanks, Raji :smile:
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Non-accurate car tags that are limited to specific languages/regions
Published 04/03/2019 @ 19:54:24, By Raji
My pleasure!
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