Subject: Identifying a car by others
19/07/2006 @ 08:16:03: garco: Identifying a car by others
When I'm not sure of make and/or type of a car, I upload it as 'unknown'. Other people can identify it then. Sometimes it's changed within the minute by someone. That's no problem, but can I do that when I'm sure of an 'unknown' make and/or type uploaded by someone else? Or must the person who has uploaded the car change it?

Now, a car is even a couple of minutes/hours in the unidentified-list. It might be useful for other visitors of the site to learn from the comments. Or not? :wink:
19/07/2006 @ 09:44:51: antp: Identifying a car by others
Any admin car rename it... actually usually I rename the vehicles when a comment is posted by a non-admin and that no other admin renamed it.
19/07/2006 @ 15:42:29: garco: Identifying a car by others
So if you think a comment is correct, you can change it?
19/07/2006 @ 18:16:20: Bebert: Identifying a car by others
Yes. And as you're admin too, you can do it...if you want. :wink:
19/07/2006 @ 19:16:01: wickey: Identifying a car by others
yes :smile: and if you know something others do not know and are sure, you can change the car without even comment it - I do t sometimes with Crown Vics and some Volvos :smile:
19/07/2006 @ 21:07:58: antp: Identifying a car by others
Same for me for French cars of 60s-90s
20/07/2006 @ 07:59:18: Bebert: Identifying a car by others
Moi, j'essaye toujours de mettre un commentaire, quand je change quelque chose dans la fiche. Ca permet de savoir qui l'a changé. :wink:
20/07/2006 @ 09:19:03: antp: Identifying a car by others
Oui mais quand c'est un truc évident genre Peugeot 205 ou une Ford Crown Victoria... :grin:
20/07/2006 @ 11:50:39: Bebert: Identifying a car by others
Ce qui est évident pour l'un, ne l'est pas forcement pour l'autre...
Et ça permet de savoir qui a fait la modif'. Donc, sur qui taper en cas d'erreur! :lol: