28/08/2021 @ 21:00:39: 60sParis: Sort by release year
Hello, just a suggestion but I think it would be a nice option if we could sort by Movie release year. I often want to do this but it is not one of the sorting options. The data is there, so it seems possible? Series could be listed by first year.
29/08/2021 @ 11:21:56: antp: Sort by release year
You mean sorting the vehicles list by movie year?
If so, that could indeed be useful, I should check if it can be easily added.
29/08/2021 @ 16:18:10: 60sParis: Sort by release year
Yes, sorting vehicles by movie release year in which they appear
29/08/2021 @ 18:14:18: antp: Sort by release year
Added, it was easy indeed
The result is a little strange with series having large range of years, but I guess it can still be useful in some cases.
29/08/2021 @ 20:49:52: 60sParis: Sort by release year
Great, thank you, this is very helpful
30/08/2021 @ 00:11:12: night cub: Sort by release year
29/09/2022 @ 08:07:52: davidloeil: Sort by release year
What a nice idea