These are the ugliest cars to ever roll off the assembly line
09/02/2022 @ 22:07:57:
These are the ugliest cars to ever roll off the assembly line
Here are some of
These are the ugliest cars to ever roll off the assembly line
. Subject may be suitable to their taste to some people
10/02/2022 @ 03:50:35:
These are the ugliest cars to ever roll off the assembly line
>Lists the current gen Prius
>Shows photo of the much less distasteful (but equally bland) Aqua/Prius C
C'mon, was it really hard to find a photo of a current gen Prius?
10/02/2022 @ 03:52:58:
These are the ugliest cars to ever roll off the assembly line
maybe they just couldn't bear the sight...
whatever they make a list of, there is always mistakes somewhere...