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ID this 60s rhd coupé
Published 31/01/2023 @ 01:31:32, By griebs
From a 1970 doc "Making of the Private Life of Sherlock Holmes". Totally stumped by this beauty. Thanks in advance!
File: coupe.jpg ( 117.9 KB - 336 )
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ID this 60s rhd coupé
Published 31/01/2023 @ 02:06:03, By night cub
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ID this 60s rhd coupé
Published 31/01/2023 @ 04:01:24, By griebs
Ahh I even googled Karmann just because the profile cutout seemed similar. Typ 3 didn't show up. Thank you!
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ID this 60s rhd coupé
Published 31/01/2023 @ 14:19:41, By dsl
Looks like a UK plate with GB plaque as well. If plate ends in C it's a 1965 registration. These were very unusual here - too expensive so only sold in penny numbers. I think I read somewhere that Karmann only made RHDs in small occasional batches and then scattered them round the world to whichever other RHD countries could find buyers.
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ID this 60s rhd coupé
Published 01/02/2023 @ 02:31:24, By 993cc
Typ 34..
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