21/12/2023 @ 18:09:43: POn: Cars I need to add a year to.
22/12/2023 @ 04:59:20: Baube: Cars I need to add a year to.
as for " they were retired by then " ones, unless there is visual differences between retired and not retired yet, they could be older units rented from companies that does rent vehicles for movies/TV shows
22/12/2023 @ 05:41:41: POn: Cars I need to add a year to.
as for " they were retired by then " ones, unless there is visual differences between retired and not retired yet, they could be older units rented from companies that does rent vehicles for movies/TV shows
but I also said the first years, but why did the Dodge Dart get listed as a 1971 when I said that it is 1973-1976 model.
22/12/2023 @ 05:49:25: Baube: Cars I need to add a year to.
well.. it does have the 1971 grille..
and your list contains over 80 entries that not all of us are familiar with ( not to mention that the first list we had to copy/paste each link and had to redo it again if we had the badluck to include a bracket in it as it was displaying an error message ) so it takes a little bit of time to get thru it..
22/12/2023 @ 07:21:13: night cub: Cars I need to add a year to.
but I also said the first years, but why did the Dodge Dart get listed as a 1971 when I said that it is 1973-1976 model.
The Dart is older than 1973, in the thumbs I provided you can see the 1970-1971 front end, and another shows the taillights, which look like the 1971-1973.
22/12/2023 @ 08:47:19: antp: Cars I need to add a year to.
as for " they were retired by then " ones, unless there is visual differences between retired and not retired yet, they could be older units rented from companies that does rent vehicles for movies/TV shows
That's what I already told via email
Not reliable at all for identification
22/12/2023 @ 08:51:23: antp: Cars I need to add a year to.
I need to confirm the years for some cars or what they are.
Why don't you post directly in the comments on the site as I suggested you? (on each vehicle page the info about that vehicle, not a whole list on the movie/series page)
- it is easier for us to process
- it provides an history on the vehicle page to know why it is listed that way.
If later someone sees a vehicle listed as a different year than the comments already on the page he may think that it was missed / forgotten, not knowing that it was changed due to info that your provided here.
22/12/2023 @ 13:08:52: dhill_cb7: Cars I need to add a year to.
I commented on two Ford’s where he completely guessed. Not a reliable list/identification based off the two I inspected.
23/12/2023 @ 01:28:55: POn: Cars I need to add a year to.
I was just thinking about a function that allows logged in users to edit a car, just like the gamed based sister site IGCD.
23/12/2023 @ 10:52:28: antp: Cars I need to add a year to.
That would still require validation to avoid a lot of errors.
It is planned for some day, as it would be easier to follow than the current comment-based system, but in the meantime you can use the comments, as suggested
(individual vehicle comments, not posting a whole list somewhere)
23/12/2023 @ 19:38:11: night cub: Cars I need to add a year to.
When I have time, I want to go through his list. It is on one of the titles I work on. It was just hard to do at first because the list didn't include proper links, but now that they have reformatted the list, it should be easier.
24/12/2023 @ 00:43:19: Baube: Cars I need to add a year to.
i changed a few already but i'll give you the list's exclusivity if you want
24/12/2023 @ 18:17:20: POn: Cars I need to add a year to.
can someone turn the 2002 Explorer into a 2003 Expedition? the c-pillar is slanted.
24/12/2023 @ 19:32:13: antp: Cars I need to add a year to.
Why don't you just post a comment on the page of the vehicle?
25/12/2023 @ 00:24:29: POn: Cars I need to add a year to.
Why don't you just post a comment on the page of the vehicle?
because comments telling y'all want the car is can be up for a year with the car being unchanged.
25/12/2023 @ 01:19:56: dhill_cb7: Cars I need to add a year to.
Was that English?
25/12/2023 @ 01:35:04: POn: Cars I need to add a year to.
because the comments telling y'all what the car is can be up for a year with the car being unchanged. there you go.
25/12/2023 @ 09:39:08: antp: Cars I need to add a year to.
And so you hope that it will be changed without comment?
It can happen that we miss one or that one seems unreliable so waiting for confirmation.