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Minerva 4x4
Published 15/08/2006 @ 14:39:51, By antp
Here is a video found on :
This will probably interest few members, especially Alexander.
It is about the Minerva 4x4, a Land-Rover built under license for the Belgian army + few rare civil 80" and 86" versions.
When I will have few time, I will try to subtitle the video if there is request for it (it especially depends if Alexander is interested, or if he already saw/translated it).
EDIT : Subtitles posted below, available at

I hosted the video on imcdb because if lots of people download it at the same time, could cut suspend their site.
The original link (same video as what I posted) is found on -> link below picture -> "Une Minerva 4x4? Qu'est ce que c'est?" -> "LIRE LA VIDEO".

Latest Edition: 21/08/2006 @ 16:17:57
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Minerva 4x4
Published 15/08/2006 @ 15:20:43, By Alexander
Great! Thanks a lot!

If you find time for subtitles that would be splendid! Reading French is difficult enough, but understanding ...

I did get 'Minerva' and 'Land-Rover', the rest was a bit vague! :wink:
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Minerva 4x4
Published 15/08/2006 @ 15:34:44, By antp
Well, if I make subtitle I would of course do that in English :wink: I'll maybe do that next weekend.
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Minerva 4x4
Published 15/08/2006 @ 18:07:33, By Alexander
Well, if I make subtitle I would of course do that in English :wink: ...

:boidleau: I guessed that!

I was referring to that strange language some of the members use from time to time in their comments ... :whistle:
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Minerva 4x4
Published 21/08/2006 @ 14:22:28, By antp
As promised last week, here are the subtitles:

They should work with most of the programs that support subtitles (I tested them with DirectVobSub).

The translation is for sure not perfect, but I think that it is good enough to understand what is said in the video.
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Minerva 4x4
Published 22/08/2006 @ 08:26:58, By landrover1
cool, im gonna download the wmv video soon, i like to see always a landrover.
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