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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 14:17:37, By antp
As you may know, the site is currently hosted on a 2-GB web account at OVH.
As there is now 250 MB remaining, it will be full before end of the year.
This account can be expanded for free to 20 GB, but it is possible that the site will be inaccessible/down for few hours while this change is made.

To prevent any problem I will lock all the functions that allow to do changes to the site.
So in the morning of Monday 28th, around 10-11h AM CET, posting new comments will be disabled, as well as all the admin functionnalities (adding/renaming vehicles), until the "upgrade" of the account is finished.

I do not know how many time it will take, maybe that it will fail and require 2 or 3 days to be completed, I do not know. But anyway I will put here all the info that I have about that.

Note: all times are CET, so GMT+2 (GMT + 1 + daylight saving time)
For US/Canada members: for EST remove 6 hours to what I said, for PST 9 hours.
Add 8 for Japan.

EDIT: I changed the times.

Latest Edition: 04/11/2006 @ 15:13:57
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 14:54:16, By Gag Halfrunt
There's a little typo in the message you've put on each database page. Instead of "done for few hours", it should be "down for a few hours". :smile:
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 14:58:25, By antp
thanks :wink:
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 15:06:16, By garco
What!? 3 days no IMCDB? What am I going to do then?? :wink:
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 16:00:41, By leolito
really ... 3 days is too much :aboire:
keep up the good work!
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 16:36:52, By stronghold
Well least it gives me some time to capture a few more pics.!
Good luck Antoine.! :wink:
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 20:16:55, By dwd4X4
3 Days!?!?!?
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 20:20:48, By antp
3 days is an example of what could happen if everything fails, but I can't do anything, it depends on how OVH will manage that.
I think that it should be done quickly, something like 1 or 2 hours.
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 21:06:07, By garco
Well least it gives me some time to capture a few more pics.!
Good luck Antoine.! :wink:

Yes, that's true, I have bought new movies...
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 21:13:13, By DIEHARD
Well, planned, I am leaving for holiday on monday, so I will miss nothing :smile:

I hope lots of images will be added when I am back..
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 22:52:41, By jplemoine
3 jours, ça va être dur... Mais bonne chance et merci, Antoine, pour ce boulot!
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 25/08/2006 @ 22:56:27, By antp
Non mais les 3 jours c'est le scénario catastrophe hein, normalement ça se fera en quelques heures :lol:
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 27/08/2006 @ 21:42:24, By antp
Actually I do not really have to "lock" the site for changes in the night. As I will start the backup and the process in the morning, I will close the site at that time.
It will probably be around 10-11h AM CET.

Latest Edition: 27/08/2006 @ 21:44:16
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 27/08/2006 @ 22:42:55, By weasel1984
As it has been already said - good luck antp, and come back fastly with IMCDb.
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 28/08/2006 @ 04:27:58, By Ddey65
Well, you've got to do what you've got to do. I'll keep looking for IMCDb in a few days.

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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 28/08/2006 @ 09:32:47, By Bebert
Bon, à une demi-heure du grand déménagement, il ne me reste plus qu'à te souhaiter bon courage. Quant à la suis sûr que tes talents d'informaticien suffiront largement. :wink:
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 28/08/2006 @ 10:17:37, By antp
J'ai pas grand chose à faire dans l'histoire moi, juste cliquer sur un truc et attendre :grin:
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 28/08/2006 @ 10:35:17, By antp
Changes are locked as announced, I start the backup.
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 28/08/2006 @ 10:58:57, By antp
Process started... now I am waiting for news from OVH for when it is done.
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Web site maintenance planned for Monday 28th Aug.
Published 28/08/2006 @ 11:03:53, By antp

Vous avez décidé de passer de votre offre Haute Sécurité
à la Haute Capacité. Elle sera active d'ici quelques minutes.
Votre site est momentanément indisponible, le temps du transfert.

Vous receverez un e-mail pour vous notifier dès que l'opération
sera terminée.

(they say that the site is down few minutes for the transfer to the "high capacity" system)
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