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IGCD open!
Published 17/09/2006 @ 12:03:45, By Star Wars Fanatic
Attention all - IGCD is now open! The Internet Games Car Database is finally open for all to see, and already we have many submissions for viewing. And even if you are not into video games, you can still help us by simply identifying the many cars that will be added daily.

Visit and enjoy. We also recommend that you read the rules, as there have been a few changes to transfer IMCDB into a website for games.
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IGCD open!
Published 17/09/2006 @ 12:31:44, By antp
and already we have many submissions for viewing

But not lots of them :grin: It will take time until we reach a point where major games are listed.
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IGCD open!
Published 17/09/2006 @ 12:37:18, By Star Wars Fanatic
No but we have quite a few since it was under testing :wink:
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IGCD open!
Published 17/09/2006 @ 13:34:37, By Bebert
I don't really like those sorts of games. I prefer Civilization, Railroad Tycoon or Football manager. But I remember a good one. It was Grand Prix Legend or something like that. It was very hard but very funy to drive those old cars.
Good luck to you! :wink:
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IGCD open!
Published 17/09/2006 @ 21:56:09, By Rinspeed
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IGCD open!
Published 18/09/2006 @ 18:34:56, By appassionato
Great site!
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IGCD open!
Published 18/09/2006 @ 20:28:15, By G-MANN
At first when people suggested this, it sounded a little dubious (someone mention that one of the recent Grand Turismo games had hundreds on cars on it), but nevertheless I am quite excited to see this new site (almost matches the feeling I had when I first discovered this one). I am now eagerly awaiting to my new password for the forum.

Latest Edition: 18/09/2006 @ 20:29:54
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IGCD open!
Published 18/09/2006 @ 21:09:22, By Star Wars Fanatic
Thank you :smile: And funnily enough it was myself who said there was hundreds of cars in GT4...

Latest Edition: 18/09/2006 @ 21:10:07
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IGCD open!
Published 18/09/2006 @ 22:36:15, By garco
Congratualations guys.
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IGCD open!
Published 18/09/2006 @ 22:45:08, By Star Wars Fanatic
Cheers - I know it's been a long wait but I think what we pulled off is worth it and I can't wait to see how it develops :grin:
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IGCD open!
Published 24/09/2006 @ 07:33:09, By qwerty_86
Wow, that looks so familiar. I can't quite place my finger on it. Bizzaro.

Very nice site nonetheless.
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IGCD open!
Published 26/09/2006 @ 23:24:14, By Star Wars Fanatic
Thanks. It has proven to be popular and has only been up for just over a week :grin:
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IGCD open!
Published 27/09/2006 @ 13:29:02, By stronghold
Thanks. It has proven to be popular and has only been up for just over a week :grin:

..Good Luck with the site.! ..I have added a few pics ...but as I gave away my PS2 to my nephew last year ..I no Longer have the games ... but do have some demo discs around can add pics from them ( I've been doing.!) ...and I see you asked for names of some vehicles (...Sorry ..I don't have them) ...Something for your viewers to find out & fill in.! :wink:
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IGCD open!
Published 27/09/2006 @ 13:32:42, By antp
but do have some demo discs around can add pics from them

Like you add pics from trailers on IMCDB :grin:
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IGCD open!
Published 27/09/2006 @ 22:32:30, By stronghold

Like you add pics from trailers on IMCDB :grin:

..Yeah.. Like i've said before ..Better to have some pics ..than none at all.! (..and better than people saying that there's "..such and such are car such & such a film" ..and adding a page without any proof.!) least with pictures you can see some of the cars in that film ... Until someone get's to see it properly/fully.! :wink:
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IGCD open!
Published 27/09/2006 @ 22:37:36, By Star Wars Fanatic
I have done that myself for a few games :grin: Since I dont have a recorder (yet) I am unable to capture PS2 games so I am relying on screenshots but sometimes cheat by capturing from movies. And yes, a few submissions is better than none :smile: I myself have yet to finish a few of mine...
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Published 28/09/2006 @ 09:43:29, By antp

..Yeah.. Like i've said before ..Better to have some pics ..than none at all.!

Sure, yes, I completely agree, I also add pics from trailers sometimes. It was just a joke :wink:
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Published 30/09/2006 @ 00:49:54, By modell
Great site! I just joined and I'm waiting for my forum password as well.

How do you guys make screencaps from games, specifically Xbox? I know you can do "printscreen" for PC.
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IGCD open!
Published 30/09/2006 @ 11:31:28, By antp
For DirectX PC games I use an old freeware version of "Fraps".
For old DOS games where PrintScreen do not work when run under Windows, I found ProgGrab (pgrab110) that seems to work fine (that's what I used for "The Need of Speed".
Advantage of these programs is that they save captures directly to bitmap files, so you can easily do lots of captures and sort them later.

Shall I post this info to that topic?

Latest Edition: 30/09/2006 @ 11:32:05
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