Old contributions (archive) » [done] The Hitcher - 1986
[done] The Hitcher - 1986
Published 10/10/2006 @ 08:56:37, By leolito
Just to advise I am taking snapshots of this "road" movie (strange nobody has yet uploaded it), so watch this space and I will announce when I sent the zip file.
Just a question: how to define exactly main character's vehicle usage (2/3/4 stars) if - and only if - they were no chases at all? Is not the case in all this movie, but it happens a couple of times.
For example, the ride in a vehicle which works as "stage" to an important movie plot event, yet there is no "action" involving the vehicle itself. Hope I was clear ...
Latest Edition: 14/10/2006 @ 21:44:36
Just a question: how to define exactly main character's vehicle usage (2/3/4 stars) if - and only if - they were no chases at all? Is not the case in all this movie, but it happens a couple of times.
For example, the ride in a vehicle which works as "stage" to an important movie plot event, yet there is no "action" involving the vehicle itself. Hope I was clear ...


Latest Edition: 14/10/2006 @ 21:44:36
The Hitcher - 1986
Published 10/10/2006 @ 12:38:53, By antp
3 stars is "used by character OR in a chase", not "AND". So if there is no chase but that the car is only used in few scenes, it is 3 stars. If it is used in lots of scenes, or in few long scenes, by a major character, it is 4 stars.
The Hitcher - 1986
Published 10/10/2006 @ 18:59:32, By leolito
thanks ... i'll get all shots probably by tomorrow

The Hitcher - 1986
Published 12/10/2006 @ 07:34:05, By leolito
zip file sent
I used the 'folder within folder' criteria .
Some cars may need a "star reassignment" however ...

I used the 'folder within folder' criteria .
Some cars may need a "star reassignment" however ...
[done] The Hitcher - 1986
Published 14/10/2006 @ 23:23:52, By antp
btw, leolito, if you plan to add often pictures I can give you admin rights, so you can upload the pictures directly to the site (if you are interested).
As you also identify lots of vehicles, it is useful too
As you also identify lots of vehicles, it is useful too

[done] The Hitcher - 1986
Published 19/10/2006 @ 09:58:21, By user-.html
thanks for the honor ...
I'm a bit under work pressure lately but if I shrug it off and manage to process a gazillion pics I've already taken + the "lists" (now when I watch a movie not here I write on a pad when a vehicle appears to take the shot later) I'll get back to you on this subject.
Thanks again

I'm a bit under work pressure lately but if I shrug it off and manage to process a gazillion pics I've already taken + the "lists" (now when I watch a movie not here I write on a pad when a vehicle appears to take the shot later) I'll get back to you on this subject.
Thanks again

[done] The Hitcher - 1986
Published 19/10/2006 @ 10:00:07, By leolito
sorry thaat was me who forgot to login
[done] The Hitcher - 1986
Published 19/10/2006 @ 12:13:09, By antp
So contact me to " contact @ imcdb.org " and I will send you the info
Latest Edition: 19/10/2006 @ 12:13:20

Latest Edition: 19/10/2006 @ 12:13:20