Misc » cars related to your life
cars related to your life
Published 24/10/2006 @ 05:43:08, By landrover1
maybe this can sounds weird but all the car fans we're a bit freaks...at least me
the question is...do you feel some car company or/and some cars are always related to your life?
i feel like im not only a ford fanatic only because i love the fords, i must say that many times in my life i've have related things to fords...and that's make me feel more ford fanatic
do some car or car company have related things in your life?
because could be...i want to know
because i always end with some ford thing related in my life, and i really love that

the question is...do you feel some car company or/and some cars are always related to your life?
i feel like im not only a ford fanatic only because i love the fords, i must say that many times in my life i've have related things to fords...and that's make me feel more ford fanatic

do some car or car company have related things in your life?
because could be...i want to know
because i always end with some ford thing related in my life, and i really love that

cars related to your life
Published 24/10/2006 @ 06:49:35, By qwerty_86
Yeah I'm like you, I feel really natural in a Ford. I can't quite get comfortable in a GM or Dodge even though I wouldn't mind driving them. Even when I don't like certain Fords, it just feels right somehow.
My Sable is almost like my personality. It doesn't look for attention, but when it wants attention, it'll get it in one way or another. Pretty fast in short bursts, but takes it easy most of the time. Yeah, fits me to a T.
My Sable is almost like my personality. It doesn't look for attention, but when it wants attention, it'll get it in one way or another. Pretty fast in short bursts, but takes it easy most of the time. Yeah, fits me to a T.
cars related to your life
Published 24/10/2006 @ 10:13:50, By antp
My father had several Peugeot and my two only cars were Peugeot, so I am used to be in these, or more generally in French cars (as my father had nearly only French cars).
Except that, I have no particular link with a make, except that I like SAABs and that one of my uncles is a salesman for a SAAB dealer
Latest Edition: 24/10/2006 @ 10:15:27
Except that, I have no particular link with a make, except that I like SAABs and that one of my uncles is a salesman for a SAAB dealer

Latest Edition: 24/10/2006 @ 10:15:27
cars related to your life
Published 24/10/2006 @ 11:20:41, By wickey
well as I am counting it, I spent almost 17 from my 21 years in a Volvo - so the result is obvious
my dad has some since I was born in 1985 till his last in 1999
and since 2004 I am Volvo-positive myself
Latest Edition: 24/10/2006 @ 11:22:09

my dad has some since I was born in 1985 till his last in 1999
and since 2004 I am Volvo-positive myself

Latest Edition: 24/10/2006 @ 11:22:09
cars related to your life
Published 24/10/2006 @ 12:42:42, By Bebert
I have no particular link with a make, me too.
My great-father had a Simca Aronde when I was very young, and I remember well when we were going angling together. Nice memory!
My father's first car was a Renault dauphine. Then he had a Ford Taunus 12M, many Citroën DS and CX and now he drive a C5.
My mother had a few Citroën 2CV, Austin mini and some other, but I don't remember.
And me, my first car was a Renault 4. Then I've drived a Ciroën GS (Hello DIEHARD), a Renault 5, some Renault 11, and 19 too. Since many years, I drive Rover(s), at present a 75 Tourer.
But my favourite is our (officialy, it's my wife's car) Triumph Spitfire MK3 1967.
Latest Edition: 20/09/2007 @ 08:16:08
My great-father had a Simca Aronde when I was very young, and I remember well when we were going angling together. Nice memory!
My father's first car was a Renault dauphine. Then he had a Ford Taunus 12M, many Citroën DS and CX and now he drive a C5.
My mother had a few Citroën 2CV, Austin mini and some other, but I don't remember.
And me, my first car was a Renault 4. Then I've drived a Ciroën GS (Hello DIEHARD), a Renault 5, some Renault 11, and 19 too. Since many years, I drive Rover(s), at present a 75 Tourer.
But my favourite is our (officialy, it's my wife's car) Triumph Spitfire MK3 1967.
Latest Edition: 20/09/2007 @ 08:16:08
cars related to your life
Published 24/10/2006 @ 15:08:55, By stronghold
I've said it many times before ..I've always felt comfortable with GM V8's.!
(almost bought a '72 Ford Mustang..once! & the same for a 71/72 Plymouth satellite ..which my dad talked me out of.!!)I have had two fords a 1977 Cortina 1.6 mk.IV & a 83/84 Sierra 1.8 (..cortina was great ..very reliable ...but the Sierra was total crap.!)
It seems i've been drawn to GM models (..70's GM cars always felt right in my mind) ..I've had four austin/rover products ..Maestro (..broke down straight away.!!) ...Rover 820 (..lasted about a month.!) ..metro 16v GTi (..was okay ..but lasted only a year.!) ...and my current car Rover 218i SLD (..my first diesel ...and very reliable.!) ..Not my choice of car ...but it gets me around (..and No affinity felt towards it ..it's just transport ..that works.!)
Wish I could go for another V8 ...but my current situation (..money ..my appartment & area where I live..) are Not right for that type of car (..too much gangs/vandalization.!)
(almost bought a '72 Ford Mustang..once! & the same for a 71/72 Plymouth satellite ..which my dad talked me out of.!!)I have had two fords a 1977 Cortina 1.6 mk.IV & a 83/84 Sierra 1.8 (..cortina was great ..very reliable ...but the Sierra was total crap.!)
It seems i've been drawn to GM models (..70's GM cars always felt right in my mind) ..I've had four austin/rover products ..Maestro (..broke down straight away.!!) ...Rover 820 (..lasted about a month.!) ..metro 16v GTi (..was okay ..but lasted only a year.!) ...and my current car Rover 218i SLD (..my first diesel ...and very reliable.!) ..Not my choice of car ...but it gets me around (..and No affinity felt towards it ..it's just transport ..that works.!)
Wish I could go for another V8 ...but my current situation (..money ..my appartment & area where I live..) are Not right for that type of car (..too much gangs/vandalization.!)

cars related to your life
Published 24/10/2006 @ 15:39:22, By DIEHARD
I have always driven Citroëns. All the cars I have owned where Citroën, started with a BX14E, then a GSA Spécial alongside it, then a 19TGD Break, then a GSA Pallas C-Matic alongside it, then a Xantia 19D, sold my two old GSA's and bought a GSA X3 alongside the others, last year I sold the Xantia while I could order a company C4 1.6 HDI VTR +, which I use as daily driver. Alongside that I have the GSA X3, but I only drive it with sunny wheather in summers. My wife has an AX1.1i First. The rest of my family nearly all drive Citroën, I have two uncles with a Xsara Picasso, one with a C3, one with a Berlingo, my brother-in-law has also a C3, my father drives a Xantia break and my brother a BX Break... So we are kind of a Citroën family. Surely I am the biggest fan, but I was inspired by my father. When I was really little, about three or so, he had a GS Service Vitree, I remember how impressed I was as the car lifted itself when it was started... My GS Passion started right there
Next to the GS my Father has nearly always drivven Citroën, started with Ami 6, then DS, GS, GSA, twice BX, three times Xantia....
My future car will probally a C5 Break or a C4 Picasso. For my wife probally Saxo, C2 or Xsara Coupé. Next to those I would like to own a GSA Club Break in a beige colour, like the one my father use to have. When I have the chance I would also like to own a GSX, GSX2 or GS Service Vitreé. Although I also quite fancy a CX or a first type BX...
Latest Edition: 25/10/2006 @ 08:19:37

Next to the GS my Father has nearly always drivven Citroën, started with Ami 6, then DS, GS, GSA, twice BX, three times Xantia....
My future car will probally a C5 Break or a C4 Picasso. For my wife probally Saxo, C2 or Xsara Coupé. Next to those I would like to own a GSA Club Break in a beige colour, like the one my father use to have. When I have the chance I would also like to own a GSX, GSX2 or GS Service Vitreé. Although I also quite fancy a CX or a first type BX...
Latest Edition: 25/10/2006 @ 08:19:37
cars related to your life
Published 24/10/2006 @ 23:29:19, By modell
Well, my parents have always seemed to drive GM cars especially Chevrolet, until recent years. Here's all the cars that have been in my family-
1980 Oldsmobile Toronado
1986 Pontiac Fiero
1990 Chevrolet Corvette
1990 Chevrolet S-10
1990 Chevrolet Lumina
1995 Chevrolet S-10
1997 Chevrolet Malibu
2001 Honda Civic
2004 Honda Accord
The '97 Malibu is what I'm driving now. I'm hoping to buy a new car soon, maybe a Dodge.
1980 Oldsmobile Toronado
1986 Pontiac Fiero
1990 Chevrolet Corvette
1990 Chevrolet S-10
1990 Chevrolet Lumina
1995 Chevrolet S-10
1997 Chevrolet Malibu
2001 Honda Civic
2004 Honda Accord
The '97 Malibu is what I'm driving now. I'm hoping to buy a new car soon, maybe a Dodge.
cars related to your life
Published 25/10/2006 @ 00:18:14, By Hecubus
I'm on my third consecutive Ford now, entirely by accident (in more than one sense). Other than that, my parents gravitate towards Chrysler products (the only new car dealer in my hometown) and Hyundais, so I guess there's a bit of a connection there.
cars related to your life
Published 28/10/2006 @ 05:09:18, By dwd4X4
Well, I think Fords are a part of my (short) life. So far at least, they are a huge part. Especially the F-150 and (you guessed it) Tempo. And I have a special place in my heart for the Dodge Caravan, which I not only learned to drive in, but it also saved me and my familys lives.
cars related to your life
Published 05/11/2006 @ 12:41:24, By sixcyl
symbiosis between I and my cars? ...
in fact I often think there is a strange shift between what I feel when I drive the cars I like : mostly powerfull and luxury cars and above all “rare “cars! ... and what I think about this egocentric narcissic exhibition ... it’s so futile! ...but probably I need it, and express my strong love affair with cars !
in fact I often think there is a strange shift between what I feel when I drive the cars I like : mostly powerfull and luxury cars and above all “rare “cars! ... and what I think about this egocentric narcissic exhibition ... it’s so futile! ...but probably I need it, and express my strong love affair with cars !
cars related to your life
Published 03/02/2007 @ 13:45:38, By MrCadillac
With a nickname like "MrCadillac" you probably guessed I love ...VWs! Well, actually, we had about 10 VW Beetles as our daily drivers but, still, I never felt happier than when I was at the wheel of an OLD Cadillac (nothing built after 1970). The finest were a Fleetwood limousine from 1942 and a Eldorado coupe from 1960 [their stories are here: www.car-nection.com/yann/Dbas_txt/blackpr3.htm and www.car-nection.com/yann/Dbas_txt/60sevil2.htm. Now we each drive a Buick Roadmaster estate from 1994.
cars related to your life
Published 03/02/2007 @ 13:49:44, By MrCadillac
Second link does not seem to work? Try:
cars related to your life
Published 03/02/2007 @ 21:20:23, By wrenchhead
I have to agree with Wickey. I have driven over 350000 miles in volvos (2-1800's, 262c, and C70) and loved every one of them.
cars related to your life
Published 20/09/2007 @ 00:25:55, By MBSL65fan
I'm glad I found this topic.
From when my grandparents got married the whole family would have either a Ford or GM vehicle, But sometime in the mid to late 1980's my grandfather started buying all Cadillacs. The first one I think was a Fleetwood Brougham, which was stolen from LAX in 1989 and was never found
. The next one may have been a Coupe Deville. The third one was a 1994 Deville in beige, Next I think came a burgundy 1996 Deville, then a blue 1998 Deville, Then the last car he had when he died was a 2001 Deville which my uncle has now. (note that most of his cars were leased) Then my mom bought a 2006 DTS in Glacier White which didn't work out so then we bought the current 2007 STS in White Diamond. My grandfather may have had another Caddy but I can't remember. I can say that Cadillacs are like part of the family sine we've had a lot since the 80's, but It's either Ford, Chevy, or Cadillac.

cars related to your life
Published 20/09/2007 @ 00:27:41, By MBSL65fan
Maybe add Acura because My grandmother has had one for over 10 years.

cars related to your life
Published 20/09/2007 @ 02:43:19, By G-MANN
My family doesn't any have particular brand loyalty, although my grandfather has always liked his Audi, a 1985 100 CD that he still owns but doesn't drive anymore. When my dad had his Honda Accord and later the Vauxhall Omega, Grandad would always say his car was better (even though it was getting old). He now drives a Peugeot 406. Before the Audi he had a couple of Jaguar XJ6s (a Series I and Series II) that he'd bought off a family friend, I was too young to remember those very well (I can't remember ever riding in them), but he still kept them sitting in his driveway and garage for years after he bought his Audi in the mid-80s. He never drove them, he's just an old man who doesn't like to get rid of things. He kept a battered old moss-covered Morris 1000 Traveller (the Moggie Thou') that was once used by my father in his youth rotting in his front garden for at least 25 years, in the end someone spotted it and offered to take it away, that's how bad my grandad is at getting things done! As for my other grandfather on my mother's side, he knows nothing about cars (he once accidently put weedkiller in one mistaking it for engine oil) so he's always had dull cars like Talbots, Hyundais and Mazdas. A couple of years ago he bought a new Nissan Almera, which is a terribly bland car (it's ancestor was the Nissan Sunny), he must have thought the same so after not too long he changed it for a Mazda 3.
My dad tends make his cars last, rather than many people who seem to change their car every few years, he's only had 6 cars in the last 23 years (we've always been a 2 car family). One of my uncles seems to have a new car every time I see him (which isn't that often, maybe once a year), he's not rich or anything, he keeps buying crap like Hyundais and other run-of-the-mill small cars, then later finds it isn't right for what he needs. You don't save money by frequently changing your car, he must have blown quite a bit of money over the years on his fickle car-buying habits.
Since I was born these are the cars my family's had:
1979 Ford Cortina MkV 2.0 GL (1984-1992, actually he may have bought this before I was born)
1982 BMW 520i [E28] (1984-1995)
1988 Honda Accord 2.0 16v (1992-1998)
1995 Fiat Punto 75SX (1995-2004)
1996 Vauxhall Omega Tourer 2.5 V6 (1998-present)
2003 Seat Leon S 1.6 (2004-present)
The BMW, the Honda and the Omega were my family's "main cars", the ones we'd take on holiday and other long journeys during my childhood, so I have deeper memories of those cars than of the Cortina and the Seat. The Seat is the car I have the least fondness for, I've haven't spent much time in it compared to the others, it's just the car my dad drives to work.
I myself have only owned two cars, the Fiat Punto mentioned above (my dad gave it to me) and a 1991 Renault Clio 1.4 RT which I bought in 2004 and had to get rid of two months ago.
Latest Edition: 20/09/2007 @ 02:44:17
My dad tends make his cars last, rather than many people who seem to change their car every few years, he's only had 6 cars in the last 23 years (we've always been a 2 car family). One of my uncles seems to have a new car every time I see him (which isn't that often, maybe once a year), he's not rich or anything, he keeps buying crap like Hyundais and other run-of-the-mill small cars, then later finds it isn't right for what he needs. You don't save money by frequently changing your car, he must have blown quite a bit of money over the years on his fickle car-buying habits.
Since I was born these are the cars my family's had:
1979 Ford Cortina MkV 2.0 GL (1984-1992, actually he may have bought this before I was born)
1982 BMW 520i [E28] (1984-1995)
1988 Honda Accord 2.0 16v (1992-1998)
1995 Fiat Punto 75SX (1995-2004)
1996 Vauxhall Omega Tourer 2.5 V6 (1998-present)
2003 Seat Leon S 1.6 (2004-present)
The BMW, the Honda and the Omega were my family's "main cars", the ones we'd take on holiday and other long journeys during my childhood, so I have deeper memories of those cars than of the Cortina and the Seat. The Seat is the car I have the least fondness for, I've haven't spent much time in it compared to the others, it's just the car my dad drives to work.
I myself have only owned two cars, the Fiat Punto mentioned above (my dad gave it to me) and a 1991 Renault Clio 1.4 RT which I bought in 2004 and had to get rid of two months ago.
Latest Edition: 20/09/2007 @ 02:44:17
cars related to your life
Published 20/09/2007 @ 18:01:08, By wrenchhead
Cars are related to my life only by hauling my butt from one place to another. I enjoy looking at them and working on them but am not a fanatic about it. My main interest is in being able to name what I see and I really enjoy seeing something that I have never seen before. For example, I went to a car show last week and saw a Renault Alpine for the first time - made my day
For what its worth, my personal preference is for Volvo Coupes. I have spent more time in them than any other brand or make.
For what its worth, my personal preference is for Volvo Coupes. I have spent more time in them than any other brand or make.
cars related to your life
Published 27/09/2007 @ 03:44:38, By 58_Roadmaster
I am a Buick Club of America member, and I appreciate postwar American sheetmetal the most--Chrysler, GM, Ford, Nash/AMC, Studebaker/Packard, and Willys, Kaiser, International, etc.
I especially like mid-priced and upper-middle priced marques such as Mercury and DeSoto of the 50s and 60s
I like Buick because, aside from some of the 1985-1995 era, the cars have class, and they are also very honest and grounding. I can't imagine what I would be doing driving a Jag XJ8 Vanden Plas if I were given one. Maybe when I am more successful, but right now Buick is the most accurate reflection of myself.
Latest Edition: 20/10/2007 @ 09:05:38
I especially like mid-priced and upper-middle priced marques such as Mercury and DeSoto of the 50s and 60s
I like Buick because, aside from some of the 1985-1995 era, the cars have class, and they are also very honest and grounding. I can't imagine what I would be doing driving a Jag XJ8 Vanden Plas if I were given one. Maybe when I am more successful, but right now Buick is the most accurate reflection of myself.
Latest Edition: 20/10/2007 @ 09:05:38
cars related to your life
Published 20/10/2007 @ 07:57:56, By Neptune
My family has (ever since I can remember) loved Chevrolet. My first vehicle was a Chevy pickup.
Latest Edition: 10/08/2008 @ 18:28:11
Latest Edition: 10/08/2008 @ 18:28:11