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Naming conventions » Chrysler Kamyon? Askam kamyon?
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Chrysler Kamyon? Askam kamyon?
Published 09/11/2006 @ 15:16:18, By fck
We have a little problem here.

Please, read the comments and I'll ask you (especially antp :wink: )

How do you want to name 'Kamyon' cars? Chrysler Kamyon? Askam Kamyon?

Latest Edition: 09/11/2006 @ 15:16:34
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Chrysler Kamyon? Askam kamyon?
Published 09/11/2006 @ 17:52:51, By antp
Well I do not know more than you :grin:
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Chrysler Kamyon? Askam kamyon?
Published 12/11/2006 @ 04:31:14, By mm
Kamyon is not a make. It is just the Turkish word for truck. :smile:
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Chrysler Kamyon? Askam kamyon?
Published 12/11/2006 @ 04:32:14, By mm
Any speaker of French et al. cann see the similarity to camion. :lol:
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Chrysler Kamyon? Askam kamyon?
Published 12/11/2006 @ 12:00:38, By antp
I could have guessed that :figti:
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Chrysler Kamyon? Askam kamyon?
Published 12/11/2006 @ 16:05:31, By weasel1984
I'm pretty sure that fck know what word "Kamyon" means. Yes, in Catalogue the make is "Chrysler Kamyon", but if they using other names in Turkey like Fargo, Dodge, De Soto and Hino trucks should be listed under one of them. Movie "Operacja Samum" was filmed in Turkey, so...
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Chrysler Kamyon? Askam kamyon?
Published 12/11/2006 @ 19:56:04, By mm
In this special case, all front or rear stickers showing any manufacturer names are not present. So either somebody finds another picture not yet presented with a name on it or we have to decide here.

As I tried to say somewhere before, the most probable label on the truck would be DeSoto or Fargo. Inside, it's Askam/Ciftciler/... Some of the trucks were labelled Dodge, and no one was labelled Chrysler, although the factory had that name. That had to do with the fact that the Turkish factory was not 100% Chrylser owned, but some kind of joint-venture first. Chrysler sold and sells cars with the Chrysler and Dodge labels on them themselves. They have stopped selling Fargo and DeSoto vehicles since a few decades, so it's not a problem for today's Askam using those labels.

Calling this vehicle a Hino would be the option that is 100% wrong. I do not remember Askam ever selling trucks with the Hino label on them. Hino was just the license partner for Askam who licensed them to manufacture Hino designed large trucks with their own Askam label on them. This seems to be much less than some years ago - the larger trucks offered by Askam today are licensed from MAN.
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