Old contributions (archive) » [done] more cars in music videos
[done] more cars in music videos
Published 11/11/2006 @ 19:48:38, By landrover1
hello people
im looking this days alot of pics od different mnusic videos and here are the cars
here is all the pics i have from the robbie williams tripping video
the car deserve 4 stars because is used alot
the car is a 1968 saab v4 station wagon i think
another car
this is from a travis video
the car is a vauxhall viva, deserve 3 stars because is used by the band and the video is called ''why does it always rain on me?''
here is the pics of the video''writing to reach you'' of travis
[img]http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/4716/vauxhallvivaenvideosde0ku8.jpg[7im- g]
the car deserve 3 stars and again is a vauxhall viva
and there's more cars in the runaway music video of jamiroquai
in this scene are a rover 75 and a vauxhall corsa
here is a mercedes truck i dont know the name yet...
http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/5061/yea0130001lf3.jpg[/img]this police car looks-alike a bmw serie 3 and appears in a few shoots
and this really surprise me
when i was watching the robbie williams come undone video i've found background cars in a scene, so here is the pic
the vehicles are asi can see a chevrolet astro express if im not wrong
the video was made in california by jonas akerlund
and here is a unknow vehicle role that appears in the music video of alejandro sanz''regalame la silla donde te espere''
[img]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/9499/alejandrosanzreglamelaspi9.jpg[7im- g]
the car is a opel astra sedan from 1980if im not wrong
in the u2 beautiful day music video appears some cars
here are the pics
is a background car, looks like a rover metro
the car is a bmw 5 series of that time''2000-2001''
soon more pics, im looking the right names of the cars in the music videos
Latest Edition: 16/11/2006 @ 11:30:34
im looking this days alot of pics od different mnusic videos and here are the cars
here is all the pics i have from the robbie williams tripping video
the car deserve 4 stars because is used alot


the car is a 1968 saab v4 station wagon i think
another car
this is from a travis video

the car is a vauxhall viva, deserve 3 stars because is used by the band and the video is called ''why does it always rain on me?''
here is the pics of the video''writing to reach you'' of travis

[img]http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/4716/vauxhallvivaenvideosde0ku8.jpg[7im- g]

the car deserve 3 stars and again is a vauxhall viva
and there's more cars in the runaway music video of jamiroquai
in this scene are a rover 75 and a vauxhall corsa

here is a mercedes truck i dont know the name yet...

http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/5061/yea0130001lf3.jpg[/img]this police car looks-alike a bmw serie 3 and appears in a few shoots
and this really surprise me
when i was watching the robbie williams come undone video i've found background cars in a scene, so here is the pic
the vehicles are asi can see a chevrolet astro express if im not wrong
the video was made in california by jonas akerlund
and here is a unknow vehicle role that appears in the music video of alejandro sanz''regalame la silla donde te espere''
[img]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/9499/alejandrosanzreglamelaspi9.jpg[7im- g]
the car is a opel astra sedan from 1980if im not wrong
in the u2 beautiful day music video appears some cars
here are the pics

is a background car, looks like a rover metro

the car is a bmw 5 series of that time''2000-2001''
soon more pics, im looking the right names of the cars in the music videos

Latest Edition: 16/11/2006 @ 11:30:34
more cars in music videos
Published 16/11/2006 @ 11:30:24, By antp
But I skipped all these background cars. From movie such cars are not always very worth mentionning, but from clips it is even worse. And the pictures are quite small.
But I skipped all these background cars. From movie such cars are not always very worth mentionning, but from clips it is even worse. And the pictures are quite small.