General » Movies without cars
Movies without cars
Published 11/11/2006 @ 22:29:30, By antp
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Movies without cars
Published 11/11/2006 @ 22:36:26, By jplemoine
Disons qu'on peut mentionner épisodiquement, ou en citer un le premier Avril, mais de là à en faire un élément du site, ça me paraît d'un intérêt très limité, pour ce qui nous intéresse sue ce site... Ceci dit, d'autres idées peuvent être développées: reconnaissances de décors naturels et comparaison avec photos des extérieurs tels qu'ils sont actuellement (ex: gare de la Ciotat!)
Movies without cars
Published 11/11/2006 @ 22:36:51, By Alexander
I am not in favour of this idea. But if it turns out that the majority would like to list 'no-car-movies' I would like to suggest to make them clearly identifyable in the search results. Right now such films look just like all other films:
test here
I could imagine that users that find such 'no-car-films' might be ... well, how to say it politely? ... might be urinated off.
test here
I could imagine that users that find such 'no-car-films' might be ... well, how to say it politely? ... might be urinated off.

Movies without cars
Published 11/11/2006 @ 22:55:10, By Exiv96
Oups, je me suis trompé de bouton pour mon vote, faudra retirer une voix à "Only if movie could contain cars" et en rajouter une à "no empty movie pages".
Movies without cars
Published 11/11/2006 @ 23:03:06, By ahight
I agree that it's a waste of space to list the movies...but is there anywhere else that we could make a list available of movies without cars?
when i'm doing a movie, i always use the search feature to make sure the movie isn't already listed. if there was a way to check that there aren't cars in it, then i could see about watching a different movie.
when i'm doing a movie, i always use the search feature to make sure the movie isn't already listed. if there was a way to check that there aren't cars in it, then i could see about watching a different movie.
Movies without cars
Published 11/11/2006 @ 23:05:53, By antp
What do you mean by "waste of space"? For what takes a movie entry...
I could list them with a special flag somewhere near the name if the only problem is that they are listed together with the other ones.
I could list them with a special flag somewhere near the name if the only problem is that they are listed together with the other ones.
Movies without cars
Published 11/11/2006 @ 23:07:41, By antp
I could imagine that users that find such 'no-car-films' might be ... well, how to say it politely? ... might be urinated off.

Well, it is better to find such movie with clearly written "no cars in this movie", than finding something like that:
(and we have lots like that)
which is not really useful actually

Movies without cars
Published 12/11/2006 @ 00:26:15, By ahight
Quicksilver doesn't have photos!! (as i run to see if i have it on DVD)

Movies without cars
Published 12/11/2006 @ 00:35:31, By ahight
i only meant "waste of space" if there are issues with having that many more movies in the database. if the database can handle having those...then i'm all for having some kind of flag saying "no cars in movie". i know of 1 or 2 that i could add to that list.
Movies without cars
Published 12/11/2006 @ 00:58:09, By Alexander
Well, it is better to find such movie with clearly written "no cars in this movie", than finding something like that:
(and we have lots like that)
which is not really useful actually

I fully agree that cars listed without images are quite annoying.
The reason I reject the listing of 'no-car-films' in the publicly addressable areas is the appearance of such listings to normal users. It is like searching on IMDb for 'Ian Fleming' or 'Stephen King' and getting a list of books that were *not* used as a film script.
Of course your idea to save other active users from checking a 'no-car-film' for cars is noble and a good one. We could have a list of such films in a separate place.
A problem might be cars that are not very well visible. Some of us wouldn't list such cars and therefore would list such a film as a 'no-car-film'. Others might like to list such a vehicle as it is very rare, no matter how small or blurred it is.
I don't want to be dogmatic about things, but another problem arises with the selection of 'no-car-film' that should be listed. You mentioned as a film not to be listed 'Star Wars'. Actually this is a 'car-film':

Underneath is a real car with wheels, hidden by mirrors.
Latest Edition: 12/11/2006 @ 00:59:55
Movies without cars
Published 12/11/2006 @ 04:42:58, By stronghold
I agree that it's a waste of space to list the movies...but is there anywhere else that we could make a list available of movies without cars?
when i'm doing a movie, i always use the search feature to make sure the movie isn't already listed. if there was a way to check that there aren't cars in it, then i could see about watching a different movie.
when i'm doing a movie, i always use the search feature to make sure the movie isn't already listed. if there was a way to check that there aren't cars in it, then i could see about watching a different movie.
..This was my idea .. Not to have a whole page wasted on an entry with No cars ... But a separate list ...just so that contributors/admins know ...what films (..which they think ..may contain vehicles) ..could check before wasting their time re-watching a movie in hope of finding a car (..I've done this often.!)
I'd vote for a separate listing with :- movie title, imdb # and I guess a name of who actually checked the movie and found Nothing.!
We don't need to waste so much space on Full page entries (..just a simple list to add to.!)
Note:- I have voted No ..for empty movie pages.
Latest Edition: 12/11/2006 @ 04:45:18
Movies without cars
Published 12/11/2006 @ 11:37:44, By Alexander
... I'd vote for a separate listing with :- movie title, imdb # and I guess a name of who actually checked the movie and found Nothing.! ...
I would like that!
Perhaps an additional field like 'only background cars not worth listing' would be good.
This way everyone can decide for himself if to watch it again or not. If I see that Stronghold listed the film any background cars not listed will have a size of one pixel at the most

While we are at the subject:
A second list might be nice: all the films that will be listed in the near future or that are available for listing.
It happend to me two or three times that I had just bought a DVD and found that someone started listing the film right the next day. That is not too bad, as I buy a film for the sake of the film. Still it would be annoying if I started to capture images only to find someone else was faster.
A list of available film would help others asking for captures. I still have so many films in my library that it will take a very long time to capture and post images -- even if I had the speed of Stronghold!

Movies without cars
Published 12/11/2006 @ 11:52:56, By antp
We don't need to waste so much space on Full page entries (..just a simple list to add to.!)

If I take for example the movie "Edmond" with no cars listed.
Here is the space taken in the database:
- id: 4 bytes
- year: few bytes (less than 4, I do not know how MySQL handles it)
- title: 6 bytes + probably few ones for string length
- few additionnal bytes for other fields
total: maybe less than 20 or 30 bytes in the 50 MB of allowed space for the database
space taken in disk: 0 byte (no static page, no file, no picture) in the 20 GB of allowed space.
Perhaps an additional field like 'only background cars not worth listing' would be good.
Sometimes there are really no cars visible...
A second list might be nice: all the films that will be listed in the near future or that are available for listing.
When I buy a cheap DVD with probably interesting cars, or that I get a movie mostly because it has cars in it, I usually create the page on imcdb at that time to "mark" that I will do the movie in the next few days (no need to do it 6 months before of course

That's for example what I did for that one:
Latest Edition: 12/11/2006 @ 11:57:57
Movies without cars
Published 12/11/2006 @ 15:36:09, By wickey
well personaly I always check out the page on imcdb before I start to watch the movie - when i see the page is full, I am just seeking Volvo there
Well come on, we are watching the movies because of interesting plots, nice girls etc. and not for cars

Well come on, we are watching the movies because of interesting plots, nice girls etc. and not for cars

Movies without cars
Published 12/11/2006 @ 16:15:09, By antp
The fact that a movie is not yet listed sometimes makes me watch a movie before another one

Movies without cars
Published 12/11/2006 @ 17:50:08, By wickey
and the fact, that the movie is done makes me watch some else instead mostly

Movies without cars
Published 13/11/2006 @ 16:12:20, By DIEHARD
Well, it is better to find such movie with clearly written "no cars in this movie", than finding something like that:
(and we have lots like that)
which is not really useful actually

I do find it usefull, I see these entries without image as my personal 'to do list' at least for some movies...
I think other people might be tempted to list is faster too, if they know a certain car is in a movie. (I go so far and buy the dvd to check it and to capture the images....)
I agree though, that it is more usefull if more info is added (star rating, etc)
Movies without cars
Published 13/11/2006 @ 16:18:39, By DIEHARD
I would like that!
Perhaps an additional field like 'only background cars not worth listing' would be good.
This way everyone can decide for himself if to watch it again or not. If I see that Stronghold listed the film any background cars not listed will have a size of one pixel at the most

I agree with you, "a movie with no cars" is a definition that is dependable on who might see it. If we should choose to list movies with no car, we could come up with a definition for it. (If that is even remotely possible?). But it is not only like that with movies with no cars, the listing of background cars is very dependable of which admin adds them. I myself try to be consitent when I add background cars, but that is even not always the case....
..This was my idea .. Not to have a whole page wasted on an entry with No cars ... But a separate list ...just so that contributors/admins know ...what films (..which they think ..may contain vehicles) ..could check before wasting their time re-watching a movie in hope of finding a car (..I've done this often.!)
I'd vote for a separate listing with :- movie title, imdb # and I guess a name of who actually checked the movie and found Nothing.!
We don't need to waste so much space on Full page entries (..just a simple list to add to.!)
Note:- I have voted No ..for empty movie pages.
That seems a legimate goal. And I am more in favour of a seprate listing, rather then the way it is carried out now....
Latest Edition: 13/11/2006 @ 16:20:55
Movies without cars
Published 13/11/2006 @ 22:57:45, By wickey
I do find it usefull, I see these entries without image as my personal 'to do list' at least for some movies...
I think other people might be tempted to list is faster too, if they know a certain car is in a movie. (I go so far and buy the dvd to check it and to capture the images....)
that is why I created the funny game - who will add picture to car with lowest number wins - but suddenly Antoine won it after like three days or so

anyway good thing should be (again, sorry) - searching vehicles according to stars rating / pictures/non pictures - as we can simply find which vehicles needs to be completed with a picture and try to watch those movies first... I made that with All Presidents Men, as there were 2 Volvos without pics..
Movies without cars
Published 15/11/2006 @ 12:44:58, By stronghold
"..It happend to me two or three times that I had just bought a DVD and found that someone started listing the film right the next day. That is not too bad, as I buy a film for the sake of the film. Still it would be annoying if I started to capture images only to find someone else was faster"
..I've done this often.!
"A list of available film would help others asking for captures. I still have so many films in my library that it will take a very long time to capture and post images -- even if I had the speed of Stronghold! with you ..I guess I have over 1000 films/tv shows still to add ..!!! (neverending I usually say with 'CHiPs".!!)

I don't often check whether a movie is already on the site (..I watch it ...then do the captures ...sometimes I'm unlucky the 'Laurel & Hardy' films you had already listed.! (..I had just transferred old video-tapes onto DVD ..for my Dad thought i'd add them at the same time.! ..I did add a couple of extra pics ...but if I don't add anything special ..I don't add my name to contributions.
I have some other Laurel & Hardy to do for my dad soon (a list below)
I'll do captures for these unless you have them already on DVD Alex?
(I've not checked the site for these ..or know if they contain any cars at all.!)
Beauchumps, Saps at Sea, Great Guns, Devil's Brother, Way out West, Pack up your troubles.
Also some W.C.Fields ...
Poolsharks, Golf Specialist, Dentist, It's a Gift.